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Category: Transforming Pain

Burnout Is Sneaky

“Burnout is sneaky because you don’t realize you’re borrowing from tomorrow to push through today.”

Emily Leahy, Twitter

And when you borrow too much from tomorrow (or from too many tomorrows), you’ll eventually have nothing left to give in the current day.

And when that happens—when you’ve reached your “credit limit”—your body cuts you off from future energy supplies and shuts down.

Hence why burnout often feels like life in a vegetative state.

And hence why burnout often looks like an absurd number of hours spent sushi rolled up in your fuzziest of blankets while Netflix plays reruns of shows you’ve already seen as you fill yourself up with the emptiest of calories you have stored in the darkest of corners in your kitchen as emotional music plays softly in the background of your dimly lit rooms.

It’s not because you’re lazy, a failure, or because you suck at life—it’s because the energy from each of those “absurd hours” has already been spent.

And until you get current again with your “energy payments” it’s likely that “sushi-ed up” is how you’ll remain.

Until eventually, you become current, have a renewed source of life energy and get another chance to start spending again.

Except this time, hopefully you’ll only spend what’s within the limits of your current day—one day at a time.

When More Self-Care Is Needed

Today marked one of the first times I can recall…

Where I felt irritable and anxious…

And told myself…

I’m going to need to double my meditation time today.

This, I’d say, is an excellent marker of progress for my own mental health awareness.

Life In A Memory (Or Two)

One day we’ll just be memories.

Scattered amongst the brains of the world.

Act today the way you want to be remembered in those brains.

For when it comes down to it, that’s how your whole life will be summarized.

Within the confines of just a few memories.

From just a few brains who contain the most potent ones.

And today could be the day that you leave the gift of a potent memory (or two) behind.

It certainly couldn’t hurt to act like it anyway.

When It’s Time (To Ship)

I had the pleasure of hearing Aminatta Forna (7x Author) speak at Kleinhans Music Hall in Buffalo, NY on Thursday, October 14th, 2021.

One of my favorite questions from the night was: “How do you know when a piece is done?”

Her reply: “It’s never done. But, when you can’t stand looking at it anymore, then it’s time.”

Looking For Creative Inspiration?

Try adding the 3 “C’s” to your day:

  • Curate: To fill your mind up. Read books from brilliant minds. Listen to fascinating conversations. Explore the minds of others by asking deliberately deep and intriguing questions. Your mind will start thinking like the minds you most explore. If you want to start thinking big/ different—immerse yourself in the minds of those who already are.
  • Create: To empty your mind. Don’t just regurgitate the same information from those minds you curated ideas from. Add your own experiences, opinions, and insights. Remix anything and everything you come across and make it your own. And give yourself plenty of uninterrupted time to do it. Even if that means staring at a blank page for an hour.
  • Connect: To guide your process forward. We curate and create for ourselves—because it’s what keeps us calm, clear, and collected. But we don’t keep our created gifts to ourselves. We share them with others. Not everybody will like or appreciate our gifts and that’s okay. It isn’t meant for them. Give your gifts to the people they’re meant for. As you would a special gift during the holiday season. Special gifts aren’t meant for just anybody. Give them to the specific people they’re for.

Passing On Pain

Healing doesn’t come from passing on pain.

At first glance, the idea of taking pain, packaging it up, and giving it away sounds sensible.

In the same way that taking garbage that’s overflowing, packaging it up, and sending it out to the curb might relieve your nose of the pain it’s stench thrusts upon you when you near it.

But, pain isn’t garbage that you can just dump off at the curb for another person to carry.

In fact, pain isn’t something that’s removable at all.

Pain is the crack in your house’s foundation. It’s the constant flooding of your basement. It’s the leaky roof, the broken plumbing, or the rotting wood.

It’s structural.

And there’s no moving out of this house. This body, this mind, this spirit—is the only real house you’ll ever have.

The only way this house heals, is if you do what’s required to get it fixed.

The information for healing is out there—for houses and for humans. It has never been more accessible.

It’s the solving—the doing of the work—that’s hard. And if you’re not up to the task of fixing something structural with your house alone—just admit it!

…And then get someone who can help.

Ideally, someone who knows how to fix structural problems and is a professional in their field.

You wouldn’t hire “just anybody” to fix a crack in your house’s foundation, right? So, why would you ever consider doing that for your most sacred home?

Ignoring structural problems and spewing the pain of it all on others—is no solution at all.

And only adds more wear to the houses of those in your own neighborhood.

This post became the introduction for: 28 Poetic Quotes from Inward by Yung Pueblo on Healing, Pain, and Love