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Category: The Road To Freedom

Freedom From / Freedom To

“Freedom in its own right doesn’t take on meaning. It’s like ‘culture’—it’s only when it’s applied to ‘freedom from…’ or ‘freedom to…’”

Daniel Greenwald

It’s a frequently discussed topic: freedom. Many people claim it’s their ultimate goal. But, is it really? Because you could up and quit your job, walk away from all of your responsibilities, say goodbye to all of the relationships in your life, venture into the nearest forest and be completely, “free.”

But, I suspect you won’t be happy for very long.

Which is why, as Daniel outlines so brilliantly above, we have to give “freedom” specific context. Context that allows “freedom” to take on a shape and/or gives it deeper meaning that will lead us to what we’re really after… a long-term, deeply felt, constantly renewing source of joy.

And an excellent way to give freedom context is by specifying what it is *exactly* that you want freedom from and/or what it is you crave the freedom to do. I suspect, if you spend even 15 minutes filling in the blanks as honestly as you can… you might just bring to light a vision of freedom that doesn’t feel so blurry and far-fetched after all.

For example, does “financial freedom” equate to some arbitrary seven digit number that you copy and pasted into your head from somebody else’s mind? Because what you might realize is that what you really want is, “freedom from work that sucks” or “the freedom to work only 20 hours per week (so you can spend the rest of your time doing whatever you want).”

…And you don’t need seven figures to do either one of those now do you?

Freedom Is A Feeling

Some of the most liberating feelings in life:

  • Realizing you don’t need anyone’s approval
  • Remembering you are your only competition
  • Releasing yourself from society’s expectations
  • Reclaiming your power from overbearing forces
  • Removing yourself permanently from toxic people/ situations
  • Reminding yourself that you are not ahead or behind—you are right where you need to be (via Hasheem)

And maybe the most liberating thought of them all… maybe freedom isn’t something that is a lifetime away and is actually something that’s far closer than we’ve been trained to believe.

…Because freedom is a feeling; not a seven figure fund.

P.s. I published 57 quotes from The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest. They’re incredible.

Self-Imposed Freedom

I don’t care what anybody says…

  • Forcing myself to write daily
  • Trapping myself in the gym regularly
  • Locking myself into a monotonous routine
  • Restricting myself to a tight eating window
  • Limiting my access to certain people/ media

…is the ultimate expression of freedom.

“Cell” Phones or Freedom Phones?

I posed the following question on Twitter:

Do you think humans were more free BEFORE or AFTER cell phones?

The majority vote was BEFORE.

Which makes my take an unpopular opinion. Here we go:

I think when cell phones restrict freedom is when WE become addicted to THEM.

I don’t think there’s anything inherently freedom-restricting in having a cellphone.

In fact, if we’re disciplined and mindful, I think they’ve unlocked an incredible realm of freedom that was otherwise unavailable to us pre-cellphone.

Today, we’re able to do the same things we were before: nature retreats, family dinner, walk, hike, play outside, twiddle our thumbs, shoot the shit with neighbors, sit in silence… WITH the added option(s) of being able to connect with a friend who live in Malaysia or coach clients who live in Colorado or learn from the Dalai Lama who’s giving a live talk in Tibet.

The freedom is unprecedented.

But, generally speaking, so are the low levels of self-discipline (an observation not a fact).

No one says we must use cell phones; we choose to use them because of the opportunities they provide. Otherwise, why not just ditch the cellphone altogether and backpedal to a more “free” life you once knew before?

Maybe, if we start treating our (possible) addiction to them more seriously and draw more firm boundaries, have some planned media detoxes, and find ways to untangle their intertwined connection to our lives… maybe we’ll discover a type of freedom that far exceeds anything we might remember having before.

But, that’s just my take.

I digress.

P.s. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to reply on Twitter, LinkedIn, or via email. 🙂

Free Time

If the goal is more free time (freedom)…

Stop equating all of your free time to available time.

They are NOT the same thing.

Available time gets filled with tasks.

Free time gets filled with life.

Work Freedom

Freedom isn’t only an experience reserved for when you’re done with work.

In fact, it can very well be an experience that you have WHILE you work.

And since we all need to engage in work in some way, shape, or form (out of obligation or for fulfillment)—finding work that aligns with your soul and allows you the freedom to be… is one of the ultimate forms of freedom there is.

P.s. I asked, “Besides sleep and coffee… what gives you energy for your day?” I hope the answers help you find ways to keep your energy high throughout your days 🙂

Characteristics of Freedom

If you can’t:

  • Sit quietly
  • Sleep peacefully
  • Dance uncaringly
  • Love unconditionally
  • Create wholeheartedly

…You aren’t free.

No matter what your work title, bank account, or social media feed might otherwise suggest.