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Category: You Are Worthy

Feeling Worthless?

If you want to remember your worth, remember the sheer amount of time and energy other people have invested into you.

As mortal beings with limited time and limited energy, we’re hard wired to prioritize the people and things whom we believe are worth the investment of our most precious resources.

…Which means to say you’re “worthless” is to say that the time and energy that others have invested into you is worthless, too.

…Which is quite a harsh thing to imply towards those who have given you so much.

…So, no.

…You are not worthless, dear reader.

You have the entrusted strength not only of hundreds of thousands of non-refundable human hours and un-returnable calories of energy invested into you… but, the strength of the same from every single one of your ancestors who have come before, invested into you as well.

The fact that you’re even here contemplating your worth is one of the most miraculous, incomprehensibly astounding things this universe has to offer.

Keep your head up and proceed onward like you mean it.

P.s. How To Appreciate and Protect Your Self-Worth In A World That Can Make You Feel “Less Than” and Unworthy.


Our self-worth increases proportionally to the amount of time spent doing inner work.

If we never prioritize our SELF… how can we expect to realize all that we are?

Like modern media, what garners the most attention proportionally holds the most worth.

Make YOU the channel you spend the most time on.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Right People Interactions

It can be tempting (now more than ever) to let: likes; saves; praise; comments; shares—signal to us our worth.

“The more I get = the more I’m valued = the more I’m loved”

…So tempting.

…But, so backwards.

The goal isn’t to GET signaled our worth…

The goal is to STEP INTO our worth and send a strong ass signal out for all of those within our worlds to receive.

This way, we don’t become who/what the latest trends/algorithms tell us to become… we tell the world who we are and let the right interactions happen from there.

Right people interactions >>> Greatest number of digital reactions.

Don’t get it twisted.

P.s. I updated my email opt-in page to include testimonials. If you enjoy getting these and wouldn’t mind being featured on the page, I’d love to hear your thoughts on these 1-minute morning emails (you can directly reply). Thanks in advance 🙂

Utilizing The Self In Self-Worth

Self-worth isn’t something you find in another person.

Self-worth is something you find in your-self.

You might find borrowed validation, temporary belonging, and fleeting feelings of encouragement from others.

But, once that fades or situations change, you’ll be left feeling unworthy and craving those external sources all over again—they become a crutch.

This isn’t to say that external sources of validation, encouragement, and belonging aren’t useful. They most certainly are—especially at the earliest stages of our development when we’re trying to figure out who we are and how to act.

But, there needs to be a point where we move from being dependent on them, to being independent and able to create our own feelings of validation, encouragement, and belonging.

And everlasting, self-sustaining sources of self-worth come from a careful, deliberate, internal watering of the seeds of our identity. It comes from the inner work where we confront the question of who we are (or who we are not) and all of the associated questions that piggyback with it.

And with the help of others, inner work, and enough time—our roots will eventually entrench themselves deep enough into our mind’s soil so that the trunk and branches of our identity will be able to reach freely towards the heavens without any need of crutches or support from anything else.

But, without the inner work—without the work we do our-self—we will be forever tied to the crutches that were only there for temporary support and those external sources of strength will become one of our biggest sources of inner weakness.

Sun Always Shines

 Sun always shines
 Earth may have turned
 Or clouds moved between
 But don’t confuse all dark with no sun
 Sun always shines

 Light in you always shines
 Though backs may turn
 Or moods may fog
 Don’t confuse all dark with no light
 Light in you always shines

 Building happens better in the light
 Don’t settle so quick for habits of the night
 While it may seem no end’s in sight
 And that life may only be squinting and strife
 Be patient
 Building happens better in the light

 Backs, as Earth, will rotate once more
 Clouds, as mind, will clear like before
 And what you will realize
 Is that light, while obstructed, was never that far
 The light in you was always shining
 As bright as before