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Category: Meaningful Connection

The Gift of Initiative

When you are feeling lonely, it’s important to remember that there are MANY people around you who feel exactly the same.

In fact, as ironic as it might sound in today’s hyperconnected world, it’s probably more often the case than not that the people around you are feeling lonely more than they’re not.

That in mind, do for others what you secretly crave is done for you:

  • Shoot that text
  • Make that call
  • Schedule that coffee

Think of what it might mean to you to get that invitation… and be the bearer of that gift to somebody else.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Less Frustrating

Other people are not here to:

  • Treat you perfectly
  • Rave about your work
  • Meet your expectations
  • Clean up after your messes
  • Agree with your every opinion
  • Conform to your belief systems
  • Celebrate your every step forward in life
  • Change their lives so you don’t have to change yours
  • Act in a way that aligns with your lifestyle and healing
  • Watch closely and respond immediately to your timeline affairs

Realize this and suddenly, life becomes a whole lot less frustrating.

P.s. I don’t have any Black Friday sales, but if you see any of these books on sale this weekend, I would definitely recommend getting them. And here’s my full library of quoted books :)

Intrinsic Value

Don’t write to beat other writers. Write to give gifts to readers.

Don’t read to beat other readers. Read to receive gifts from writers.

Don’t create to beat other creators. Create to realize the gifts inside of you.

Don’t share to beat other share-ers. Share to help people on similar paths as you.

Extrinsic rewards have their place… but never lose sight of intrinsic value.

When we compete, we adopt a winner/loser mindset—and sometimes lose sight of the intrinsic beauty of the tasks we’re choosing to do in and of themselves.

When we contribute, we adopt an abundance/ win-win mindset—and get to experience the intrinsic beauty… not just in the tasks… but in the effect they have on the people who you’re no longer looking to as “losers”—but as community/ team players who are helping raise the tide… just like you.

P.s. I asked what the best feeling(s) in the world are. Here are the answers. I hope they bring perspective and joy to your day :)

Where People Are More Interesting

There isn’t any one place in the world where people’s inner worlds are disproportionately more deep and rich.

Depth and richness is everywhere.

This is true even for the people who you cross paths with in coffee lines, drug stores, and supermarkets.

You don’t have to travel to France, Greece, or Bali for more rich, deep connections.

You just have to be more curious and open to having deep, rich conversations.

P.s. I compiled a list of 101 Thoughtful and Provoking Questions to Ask To Get To Know Someone in case you’re interested.

Matt Who?

I don’t know who needs to hear this but, who you surround yourself with is NOT limited to real life.

Once I catch wind of somebody who is doing something I’d like to do, talking about something I’d like to know more about, or is just damn interesting…

I surround my mind with their mind in every way I can.

  • I read their books.
  • I follow their social accounts.
  • I listen to their podcasts/ videos.

My reality is: some of the most influential people in my life don’t even know I exist.

P.s. I’ll be hosting a LIVE chat on Twitter today (9/22) at 11am EST. The topic is embracing adversity. I’d love to have you join if you’re free/ interested.

More Than You Need

Feeling distant from people?

Like you’re lacking connection?

And don’t know how to initiate a good interaction?

I have a challenge for you.

What you do is simple… in any task(s) you choose… you buy, create, make, collect, gather… more than you need.

This could be groceries, brownies, art, soup, berries, books, solar lights, coffee, tools, cups, candy, gadgets, etc.

And then the challenge is to give away the extra—for free—to whoever you think would appreciate it.

No strings attached. No expectations of return. No gift tallying.

Just a real gift given that comes from a real place in your heart.

Some examples:

  • My mom usually makes more soup than she needs—and gives the rest away to loved ones.
  • My dad usually upgrades his gadgets sooner than he needs—and gives away his unused ones to those who could use them.
  • My coworker always has more coffee and snacks than he needs—and gives away the extra to friends and other coworkers.

Real begets real. And if you want to form more real connections… this is an excellent place to start.

…Who’s in?

Know someone who may enjoy reading these? This is me kindly asking if you’d forward it to them :) …Did you get this forwarded to you? You can subscribe here :)

On Gifting

Many people don’t do it right.

Upon receiving a gift, many will try and reciprocate with something of equal-ish value.

While it might feel like this is what’s fair and rebalances a previously unbalanced situation… what it actually is is a misunderstanding.

The purpose of a gift isn’t to barter.

If the person wanted to barter, then they would’ve (should’ve) made that clear from the onset (i.e. “I’ll give you this book for that $15 gift card).

The purpose of a gift is to receive back not a material item, but an emotion in return.

When I give you a gift, I’m after the look on your face; I’m after the warmth; I’m after the liveliness/gratitude/joy that it might bring you.

And what many people don’t understand is that: what you return in barter, you take away in emotion.

Imagine on Christmas morning, after each present was given, the receiver pulling out their wallet and paying you back exactly the price of each gift.

…It would defeat the whole point!

Gifting shouldn’t be seen as an obligation (to give back what’s been given); it should be seen as an opportunity to exchange emotion.

Because ultimately, while material items might seem like the goal, emotion is what we’re always really after anyways.

And gifting is one of the most beautiful ways to evoke that warm, loving emotion that fills us up so quickly—both when giving and receiving.

Don’t rob someone of that opportunity to fill up by returning in barter what they gift graciously.

Be a good receiver and give them in emotion what their gift (or effort) genuinely provides.