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Category: Transforming Pain

Right People Interactions

It can be tempting (now more than ever) to let: likes; saves; praise; comments; shares—signal to us our worth.

“The more I get = the more I’m valued = the more I’m loved”

…So tempting.

…But, so backwards.

The goal isn’t to GET signaled our worth…

The goal is to STEP INTO our worth and send a strong ass signal out for all of those within our worlds to receive.

This way, we don’t become who/what the latest trends/algorithms tell us to become… we tell the world who we are and let the right interactions happen from there.

Right people interactions >>> Greatest number of digital reactions.

Don’t get it twisted.

P.s. I updated my email opt-in page to include testimonials. If you enjoy getting these and wouldn’t mind being featured on the page, I’d love to hear your thoughts on these 1-minute morning emails (you can directly reply). Thanks in advance :)

Avoiding Triggers

There’s a difference between avoiding your triggers and AVOIDING your triggers.

When you consciously avoid people who spew toxicity, for example, that’s strategy.

When you AVOID the feelings that arise when you’re triggered and suppress/ numb/ hide—that’s not strategy—that’s a slow tragedy.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.


Emotional turbulence doesn’t usually come about all at once. It’s usually the result of an ongoing accumulation of emotional messages that get overlooked and ignored until they pile into an overwhelming mountain of unread messages—which, then, triggers inner turbulence.

…It happens when we say we don’t have time, we’re too busy, or when we keep ourselves blindly distracted. Yet, we have time to incessantly check email and swipe every notification that pops up on our phone?

Maybe, if we took some of that incessant energy that’s pointed towards “productivity” and “networking” and used it to read even just a small portion of the emotional messaging our body sends us… we’d be a helluva lot less turbulent and anxious.

And, heck, we’d probably be a helluva lot more productive and present for proper networking, too.

Filling Inner Holes

The bigger your sense of lack…

The deeper your inner holes will feel.

And the deeper the inner hole, the more that’ll be required to fill it.

But, remember… filling a hole can be done in two very different ways:

1) Buying external hole-filler (which is often costly, hard to come by, and labor-intensive—you know… that luxury brand, media-worshipped, top-shelf style hole-filler).

2) Using internal hole-filler (you know, the stuff you threw next to the hole while you were doing all of that inner hole digging in the first place).

Remember this as you look around today… at the many wonderful things you often don’t notice, the people you often can’t stand, and the blessings you so often take for granted.

Maybe the “holes” inside aren’t holes at all.

Maybe they’re just parts of ourselves that, for one reason or another, became uneven from some unintentional / subconscious digging that we did and then left ignored. And what we need to do isn’t buy some fancy filler… but do some inner-landscaping/ leveling with what’s already there.

Because whole is how we were born. “With-holes” is something that sometimes happens as we go. And filling inner holes is best done with the stuff that’s already next to them—inside.

P.s. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it. I’m very thankful to have you with me on this ride.

What’s The Emotion?

Every emotion is trying to signal something to our mind:

  • Anger = What you care about / Where your boundaries are / etc.
  • Jealousy = What you want / The types of feelings you want to have / etc.
  • Sadness = What holds meaning / What really matters / etc.

This is why it’s so crucial to identify the emotion.

You can’t interpret the signal you don’t identify or get confused.


I used to love legos as a kid.

While I don’t play with them anymore, I still build daily.

And what I’m realizing is that each creation—each tweet; each 1-minute blog; each article; each LIVE Talk I host; each authentic interaction—is a lego block added to my collection.

And as it was when I was a kid: more legos = more possibilities, more creation potential, and ultimately… more remarkable designs.

This is why, in spite of having a LONG list of big projects I want to finish, I continue to spend substantial time on publishing mini-projects daily… because each day I add a new lego to my collection, is an instance when I get to proportionally grow the raw creation potential of ALL my ongoing big projects.

In short, in the case of Legos (literal and metaphorical) more is definitely better.

P.s. If these “legos” are helping you in the building of your own life creations, you can support my future “lego” building efforts here. You the best :)

Strategic Playfulness

Seriousness hardens; playfulness softens.

If you’re having a hard time opening your heart, your eyes, or your life—maybe it’s because they’ve each hardened from prolonged seriousness.

And maybe what’s needed is the opposite… some strategic playfulness.

P.s. I’ll be hosting a LIVE talk on going from Burnout to Balanced on Thursday 11/16 at 11am EST. I’d love to have you join if you’re free/ interested. Details here.

P.p.s. This post became the foundation of the afterword for: Letting Your Bow Relax—A Short Story About Not Being So Serious All Of The Time