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Category: Thinking Clearly

What Is Your Biggest Accomplishment?

One of my associates asked me over dinner the other night, “What is your biggest accomplishment?”

To which I replied, “…In my whole life?!”

To which he said, “Yes” and a long, carefully reflective pause… I answered, “Two things…”

Number one, I answered, was getting to run the martial arts school I got my white belt in. It has been the privilege and pleasure of my life so far to do something I love doing so much day in and day out and I can’t imagine my life or doing work without it. My life has been so deeply enriched by the community, challenge, and creative outlet provided by that school and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Number two was the two websites I’ve created and built: MoveMe Quotes and this blog. MoveMe Quotes has reached millions of people online—and I’ve uploaded upwards of 13,300+ quotes and resources, by hand, that people can access for free. And this blog you’re reading now has a few hundred daily readers who are impacted by the words I take careful time to arrange and email each day.

My greatest accomplishment(s) in life weren’t the college degree, or the six foot martial arts trophies, or long distance runs that I completed…

My greatest accomplishment(s) in life were the things I helped build that helped build myself and others. For if it wasn’t for the school I run… or the websites that completely reshaped my mental landscape… none of those other things would’ve happened. And if my top accomplishment(s) only served me… they’d be pretty shallow accomplishments, indeed.

Inner Work Prompt: How about you? What is your life’s biggest accomplishment?

3 Ways To Help You Get More Creative / Inner Work Done

1. A little bit daily. I don’t think many of us have a lot of time daily to do creative/inner work. And that’s okay. Deliberately carving out a little bit of time every day can have an “a lot of time” effect. Plus, the consistency and ritual of doing the same thing every day can make it easier and easier to actually do the thing the longer you do it—and your mind will start to anticipate your sessions and get into productive work states quicker and quicker. Aligning this with your morning or evening ritual can be an excellent place to start.

2. A respectable chunk weekly. If your daily grind is too crazy, (a) try to change that, but (b) until you can… reserving an hour or two within a week can be an excellent alternative. For example, maybe on Sunday you have a slow morning followed by a deliberate weekly reflection. The distinct benefit with this medium-length time is that you don’t have to spend extra time getting focused—whereas within the “little bit daily” sessions, some time will undoubtedly be spent getting into the right headspace.

3. A whole itinerary monthly or quarterly. This could be good for the person who rarely can find time for themself. Look at the month or quarter ahead and find the one or two days when you have the least going on. Block that whole time and create a creative/inner-work/self-care itinerary. Take this seriously and don’t waste it on social media timelines. Do not disturb mode; blank canvas; boredom; deep thinking; careful creation.

You’re not too busy to get creative/inner work done. You’re just not taking it seriously enough.

If This Isn’t Magic… I Don’t Know What Is.

A few months ago, I had the privilege of seeing David Blaine live.

To my surprise, about 90% of what he did during his magic show, I had seen him do online.

To his credit, I’m a bit of fanboy and have done deep dives into his content so it wasn’t like he was being lazy with his show or promotion. He’s a hulluva performer and will blow your mind any and every time you see him perform—regardless of whether it’s live or online.

What I found this to be a good reminder of, though, is the power of the internet.

The answer(s) you’re looking for in your life… are out there. Readily available. Just waiting to be uncovered with the right search, frame of mind, and dose of action. All free.

Some people neatly collect the answers and package them behind a price tag. But generally speaking, the majority of people who produce content are extremely generous and share what they learn and know for free.

What’s stopping most of us isn’t access to the answers…

What’s stopping most of us is distraction—we set out to follow one curiosity and get sucked down a rabbit hole digression. Or, said differently, boredom aversion. It’s only after we’ve sat with the problem(s) long enough, without distraction, that we’re able to bring clarity to our path forward, to clearly illustrate our circumstances, and to formulate action plans.

But, because most of us are so bored averse… we allow ourselves to get sucked down rabbit holes instead. And the magic problem solving power of the internet gets lost just as fast as a card from David Blaine’s hands.

…Why Doesn’t This Make You Mad More Often?

Daylight Savings Time—the day in the United States when, each spring, we lose one hour in our day because we turn the clocks one hour ahead to make better use of the longer daylight in our days.

…It’s also the day when everybody whines and complains and kicks up a storm about only have 23 hours in their day.

Which is understandable, of course. It’s hard enough to get everything done we need to get done in 24 hours let alone 23…

But, what about the hours we lose on the daily from time… wasted? Why don’t we whine, complain, and kick up a storm about those hours? Why aren’t we more upset about the hours we willfully flush down the drain… or maybe better said… the hours we’re manipulated into flushing? The hours algorithms are designed to consume and swallow from our lives… never to be returned.

Maybe if we took as much offense to the hours we get robbed of on the daily as we did during Daylight Savings Time… we’d start making more changes in our lives and lifestyles that left us with an actual 24… and not 23, 22, 20, or… gulp… less.

P.s. ICYMI you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week here.

Who Are You Entrusting With Your Irreversible Decisions?

I spent a few hours today brainstorming expansions for my tattoo sleeve.

Even though he’s the artist and I’m certainly not… I want to do as much of the legwork as possible before I present my ideas to him.

Because one of the realities of our world is that nobody will (should) care more about the (mostly) irreversible decisions in your life than you.

When I reach out to my tattoo artist for sketches, ideas, etc… he’s on the clock. He’s thinking about his own irreversible life decisions and accounting a fraction of his time to a project like mine.

…But me? I have a vision of how I want this thing to turn out and I’m willing to invest however many hours it takes to get it just right.

And that’s exactly the kind of energy you need to be investing into decisions at that calibre.

Don’t outsource irreversible.

The Precursor To Becoming Great

A martial art student I occasional work with texted me the other day some frustrations she’s having in competition.

She said, “I’ve been feeling kind of lost currently with my fighting, I just don’t feel like me in the ring so just frustrated with that…”

And what I said to her was something along the lines of, sometimes our path makes us humble before it allows us to become great. This way we can truly appreciate everything that comes with greatness… because we know *truly* what it’s like to struggle… to lose… to be incredibly frustrated.

And what I told her to do with that frustration was channel it into a ball of constructive energy and use it to train harder, to train smarter, and to train more purposefully.

…What she’s going through now is the exact same thing all the greats go through. The question of whether or not you’ll become great comes down to how you manage these pivotal moments over the course of weeks, months, years, and on.

Learning To Unlearn

They will try and plaster propaganda on the walls of your mind.

They will spray paint hate and lies and criticisms on any and all un-patrolled surfaces.

They will try and define beauty, happiness, and success in ways that always leave you coming up short… so you’ll keep spending more.

The process of unlearning is recognizing, accepting, and strategically acting in reverse of this.

It’s about taking an honest look at what’s plastered on the walls of your mind and tearing down what’s leading you astray.

It’s about turning spray paint into art and alchemizing hate, lies, and criticisms into love, truths, and clarity.

It’s about deleting all that you’ve been told is beauty, all that you’ve been brainwashed into believing will lead to happiness, and everything everyone else has told you about what will make you successful.

…And it’s about getting back to that place where your walls are blank canvas; where the art that’s being hung is uniquely your own; where beauty, happiness, and success are defined from within… from experiential learning… from inner work… from living confident and free.

P.s. Here’s the picture I took that inspired this post.