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Matt Hogan's Blog Posts

A Hard To Grasp Truth About Fitness:

What some people can do to stay fit isn’t what you might have to do to stay fit.

Remember this when others are:

  • Eating what you won’t
  • Skipping workouts when you can’t
  • Drinking what you shouldn’t
  • Choosing lethargy when you couldn’t

It’s easy to want to respond with resentment, envy, jealousy, even hatred.

This does nothing, however, for your fitness or mental health.

And that which doesn’t serve you, shouldn’t be served up by you.

Harder would be to respond with curiosity, strength, willpower, even love.

Love for the challenge; love for the insight; love for the connection; love for the growth.

Those who get it easy don’t get the depth that comes from overcoming the hard.

Crazy Horse—And The Power Of Vision

Image by Author

The white statue is what the sculpture will look like when it’s done.

The mountain in the distance is the progress that has been made so far.

…Over the course of 73 years.

The original sculptor has passed.

But so has his dream of carving Crazy Horse into the side of this mountain.

Many are still working to finish this colossal, unfinished sculpture. And there is no estimated completion time.

But, the idea of working towards the completion of something bigger than yourself, that quite possibly won’t be done in your lifetime, that will dwarf all other sculptures in the world…

Is nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Don’t be stubborn with your dreams.

Cultivate a vision that captures the imaginations of many. That way, even if you fall short or your time expires before you’re done, your dream can carry on.

Knowledge Ungrasped

The best teacher in life is experience.


The best teacher in life is, and can only ever be, you.

Experience is merely newly presented knowledge. Just like a simple Google search.

And having knowledge in front of you (or at your finger tips) has no impact on the mind.

Knowledge ungrasped is the same as knowledge unknown.

The best teacher is the curious mind—the undeniable force that actively grasps the surrounding knowledge and infuses it with the mind.

Without that force, the talents of the teacher are irrelevant; experiences are irrelevant; access to the internet is irrelevant.

Because having access to knowledge was never the issue in the connection age.

It’s the lack of curiosity that only ever holds us back.

Can You Balance A Stick On Your Finger?

If I wanted to balance a long stick on just one finger, I would use trial and error.

I would guess and place my finger at a center point, catch it when (if) it tipped, readjust my finger, and repeat until I had it.

If you want to maintain your emotional center, following the same, simple formula might help.

First, get a gauge on which emotional direction you’re tipping. Then, identify the emotional opposite. And, like when you’re trying to balance a long stick on your finger, adjust until you find equilibrium. Some examples:

  • When you find yourself tipping towards anger, balance yourself out with good humor.
  • When you’re tipping towards frustration, balance in sources of satisfaction.
  • When you’re feeling sad and gloomy, incorporate some sources of joy and good cheer.

But, not too much of the opposite, of course, because then you’ll tip in that direction instead.

Having too much of a good thing can cause you to emotionally lose balance all the same.

As Aristotle famously suggested, shoot for the mean between extremes.

Where you’re neither overly sensitive nor senseless, but aligned, aware, and at peace.

Update And Expand

Applications will only do what they’re programmed to do.

A dictionary application that’s programmed to pull up a certain word when it’s searched for—will only do that.

And so it is with your mind.

A mindset that’s programmed to pull up a certain response when it’s presented with a certain problem—will only do that.

This is why language is essential—it is literally the means through which programs are updated. Both in applications and the mind.

HTML, for example, is a language used by developers to design how web page elements (hyperlinks, text, media, etc) are displayed on a computer browser.

Imagine if the first iteration of the language—that was developed and released in 1991—was still the language we used today?

Can you remember what web pages looked like from the 1990’s?

Well guess what? That’s what your mindset looks like when you never update your thinking language either.

Sick of thinking about a problem the same way over and over? Stop using the same language to try and solve it.

Update and expand.

Unplugged or Plugged In?

When your device is unplugged, the battery will drain. Plug it in and it’ll charge.

The opposite seems to be true for the mind.

When your mind is unplugged—from devices, work, drama—the battery recharges.

Plug it in to one of those things, however, and the battery will drain.

If you find your mind in a nonfunctional state, maybe it’s not because you’ve been plugged in too long—but, because you haven’t been unplugged enough.

Turning 32

This year was all about refinement.

  • Less stuff; more space.
  • Less clutter; more clarity.
  • Less noise; more harmony.

Even in (especially in) my writing.

The 31 year old me would have probably tried to compile 32 life lessons learned in 32 years.

But, that didn’t feel appropriate for this year.

This year has been all about saying less, while simultaneously, learning how to say more.

Thank you for all of the birthday wishes.

Sending love and light to you all.