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Matt Hogan's Blog Posts

Don’t Offend The Universe

It took us 13.8 billion years to get to today.

And you’re gonna waste it on…?

Complaining? Overthinking? Hating?

The universe is offended.

Let’s use this small slice of eternity in the most grateful, thoughtful, loving way(s) we can.

No waste.

When Arguments Are Needed

With vulnerability and authenticity, arguments aren’t needed—genuine connection happens seamlessly.

When walls are built around emotions and facades cover feelings, arguments act as the storms that tear down those “fronts” to finally expose what’s fortified underneath:

Vulnerability and authenticity.

Where Best Moments Come

I find that the best moments often closely follow the worst ones.

  • The moments of compassion that closely follow pain.
  • The moments of gratitude that closely follow grieving.
  • The moments of redemption that closely follow injustice.
  • The moments of decision that closely follow breaking points.
  • The moments of vulnerability that closely follow heated arguments.
  • The moments of presence that closely follow run ins with death.

If you find yourself in some of your worst moments, hang on. Allow the depth of the experience to move through you. Let it deepen your roots into the ground.

Remember that, eventually, your worst moments will be no more. They will pass as all moments do—best and worst alike. And, more solid into the ground, you will be able to reach higher into the sky than ever before.

How do I know this? Because it’s how great heights are only ever reached. Not in spite of the worst moments—as a result of them. Not without deepened roots—precisely because of them.

Where Ripples Ripple Best

Where’s the best place to make a pond ripple?

Answer: there isn’t one.

Where’s the best place to make a difference?

Answer: there isn’t one.

Right where you are is as good as any.

Just start turning your ideas into actions and toss them into the pond.

The ripples will follow.

Who Brings Out The Best/Worst In You?

Question #1: Who brings out the best in you?
Question #2: Who brings out the worst in you?

And now for my real question: Is it really ever anyone but you?

In other words, sure, it’s easy to think that the best people will bring out the best in you and the worst people will bring out the worst in you. But, what comes out from you shouldn’t ever be dependent on them.

What comes out from you should solely be dependent on you.

Everybody should get your best. Not because they deserve it or have earned it—maybe they haven’t. But, because regardless of who you’re surrounded with, even the worst, nobody has the right to control your state of mind.

Life is too short to spend even one minute (that’s sixty seconds we’ll never get back) in your worst state.

And that’s not all—it perpetuates. Their worst state becomes your worst state which likely will become someone else’s worst state. We have to become the alchemists of our minds. We must learn to convert anger to patience; frustration to perseverance; pain to creativity. We must choose to break the cycle.

Otherwise, we might as well pass over the quality of our life to the people nearest to us throughout our days. And hope for the best.

The Creators Of Tide

Every act of creation
 adds a drop to the tide

 every compliment made from nothing
      every thank you properly shared
 every smile gifted to another
      every work of art created with care
 every loving embrace
      every bridge made from here and there

 adds a drop to the tide
 that lifted us from down there

 Every act of destruction
 takes from the tide

 every comparison made
      every expectation shared
 every frown imposed upon another
      every opportunity for work, done without care
 every embrace avoided
      every bridge burned leaving some here, some there

 takes from the tide
 that lowered us from up there

 From nothing to something
 we are the creators of tide

 From something back to nothing
 oh, don’t you damn hide

 It’s you and it’s me and it’s all of us together
      creating and destroying
      lifting and lowering
      caring and not caring
 that results in the tide that we
      like it or not
 all have to share

60 Minutes vs 600 Minutes

While working out, I think about how I don’t want to workout.

When I don’t workout, I think about how I should’ve worked out.

The first burns ~60 minutes of thinking from my day.

The latter burns closer to ~600 minutes.

Get it?

Now go get done what you know needs to get done.

With the possibility of a 10x return on your investment, you’d be crazy not to.