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The full collection of explorations.

The Cloud That Never Rained

Imagine the cloud that always held on to its rain.

Imagine the weight; the effort; the burden.

Imagine the hardened soil, dehydrated plants, and barren landscape.

Now, image the person who always held on to their pain.

Imagine the weight; the effort; the burden.

Imagine the hardened interactions, dehydrated relationships, and barren lifestyle.

Maybe holding on to the pain isn’t the most beneficial thing to do (so that others don’t experience the pain you’re holding).

Maybe releasing the pain is the most beneficial thing you can do.

Maybe it’s the vulnerable release that’s needed for your gray clouds to clear away.

Maybe it’s the feeling of a more authentic human experience that the barren landscape of our lives are craving more of each day.

And maybe the best way to do this isn’t to release above the umbrella walkers who are seemingly allergic to getting wet—but to share the experience of feeling the rain with the people who jump in puddles and know that clothes dry.

P.s. Thank you to Belinda for the coffee. This post was fueled by your generosity. :)

Blades of Grass [Poem]

A tall blade of grass
Looks down upon
A sea of green blades

Some bigger
Some thinner
Some pointed
Some flat
Some darker
Some lighter

What a shame
That in a sea of green
That’s what is seen

Evenly and Mindfully

Filling our cups is hard enough.

  • Proper sleep
  • Firm boundaries
  • Self-care practices

Don’t let what liquid you’ve carefully filled go to waste.

As you would carefully and delicately place each step while walking with a brim-filled cup of blazing hot tea—so, too, should you walk throughout your day with a brim-filled cup of blazing hot human energy and potential.

…Evenly and mindfully.

Keeping Score [Poem]

Their success
Isn’t your loss

Their beauty
Isn’t your flaw

Their knowledge
Isn’t your ignorance

Their profit
Isn’t your business

Stop using them
To benchmark yours

Live and let live
And stop keeping score

Stop For Suffering

Suffering is an internal state.

And you’ll never be able to outrun what’s inside.

In fact, the longer you try running from suffering the more time it’ll have to build strength and the more tired you’ll ultimately become.

The way towards healing isn’t running—no.

The way towards healing is stopping.

…And looking at the suffering; sitting with it; inquiring into its existence—understanding the suffering (that never just arbitrarily arrives).

And then slowly, slowly—rebuilding your strength while you drain it of its own.

Until eventually you can turn suffering into softness that you can then mold like clay and let go of like art.

Inner Roadway [Poem]

Understand who you are
By writing down
Everything you are not
And never want to be

Let each list item
Act as a guardrail
That turns vast landscape
Into paved and pointed roadway