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The full collection of explorations.

Morning Hours vs. Evening Hours

A belief I’ve recently identified that’s limiting me:

My brain: “11pm/12pm bed time… same thing”

Also my brain: “If I could just wake up at 7am instead of 8am, my day would go 100% smoother.”

Point being, if I can keep the importance of an hour in my mind at night—then I get to take back a crucial hour of my day in the morning.

…Because according to my body, 8 hours of sleep is non-negotiable.

And by 11pm at night, there’s really nothing I’m going to do that won’t be done better at 7am the next day.

Worth reflecting on for yourself: what’s a belief you’re holding on to that’s limiting you?

P.s. I’ll be going to Burning Man this week! If you enjoy these daily posts, you can send a little love via coffee here. I could definitely use the caffeine for this partially-insane experience. ;)

Dollars vs Energy

Isn’t it funny how keenly aware we are of dollars…

But, are somewhat daft when it comes to energy…

Like, “No, I do not want to round up my purchase today for charity, thank you.”

But, “Yes, I agree to this commitment that I absolutely don’t want to do that also takes away hours of precious time from my top priorities.”

Maybe if we started treating energy like dollars… we wouldn’t be so damn tired all of the time.

On Pie

The thing about overnight success, early virality, and winning lotteries…

Is that it gives you some pie…

But, no recipe.

The goal isn’t to just have pie…

The goal is to become a damn good chef.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

When Talk Is Gold and Action Is Cheap

Talk is cheap.

Unless you’re talking to:

  • Wisdom-bearers
  • Deep-thinkers
  • Action-takers
  • Go-getters
  • Initiators
  • 1%ers

Then, talk is gold.

Action is gold.

Unless you’re taking action without:

  • Focus
  • Thought
  • Connection
  • Reflection
  • Alignment
  • Intent

Then, action is cheap.

Be careful not to apply a cliché to your life without careful and deliberate consideration.

All action and no thought can be just as bad as all thought and no action.

The real gold lies in the beautiful, deliberate balance of the two.

P.s. Today is my birthday! I asked: “(If you’re older) What’s ONE thing you’d tell your 33 year old self now? (If you’re younger) What’s ONE thing you’d love to see your 33 year old self doing/ having done?” Here are the answers. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!

Less Wobbly

In a world that’s ever changing, perfect life balance isn’t possible.

So, don’t beat yourself up when your priorities feel lopsided.

They always will.

Rather, accept it as your ongoing reality and keep using signals of imbalance merely to adjust.

What starts out as massive shifts in weight that take large spans of time to make will eventually iterate into micro adjustments that happen in quicker and quicker snaps of time.

The goal shouldn’t be perfect; the goal should be less wobbly.

P.s. I also published: 19 Quotes from Narrow Road To The Interior on Solitude, Travel, and Poetry today.

The Usefulness Of Short Sprints

What do you do when you reach a ditch in the road that you can’t quite step over?

You back up; get a good running start; and jump it.

So does it work in life.

Staring at a ditch? …Staring doesn’t help.

Take a couple steps back, elevate your thinking, get a running start, and jump it.

Sometimes the way forward is backward. Sometimes we need to temporarily commit to an elevated pace to finally clear the ditch we’ve been staring at in its face. Sometimes what’s needed… is a short sprint.

P.s. “Backwards” doesn’t mean more hustle. “Backwards” has much more to do with the opposite.

On Surrounding Yourself

You don’t wait for successful, peaceful, adventurous, joyful, and curious individuals to come to you.

No. The way you make best use of the fact that, “We are who we surround ourselves with” is by DOING the searching, initiating, conversing, networking, and risk-taking.

And… equally as important: the removing, excluding, muting, blocking, avoiding, and ignoring.

Either that or… become one of the successful, peaceful, adventurous, joyful, and curious individuals who are sought out yourself.