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Your Life’s GPS Is At The Bottom Of The Pond

The problem with not looking inward and becoming aware of our thoughts is that it’s hard to adjust our life direction fluidly and in accordance with our innermost wisdom if we don’t.

And the problem with most of the thoughts we initially become aware of when we kind-of-try, is that they’re only the superficial layers. They’re the surface-of-the-pond-thoughts that are distorted by the viral videos, click-bait headlines, tabloid storylines, meaningless games, empty entertainment topics, and so on.

It’s as though our life’s GPS is at the bottom of our mind’s pond, facing upward, and we’re trying to read what it says, but we can’t see past the ripples, bubbles, and breaks in the water on the surface caused by the firehose impact of modern media.

We must sit. We must let the pond settle. We must focus our inward gaze on what’s being shown underneath. The answers are there. Our inner GPS is always working. It’s simply a matter of, can we read it? Or, maybe more appropriately, are we willing to do what’s necessary to bring it’s directions into view?

P.s. Looking for specific, actionable ideas that’ll help you understand your life’s direction? My 30-Day guide will help.

Published inArchivesDirection MattersLiving Well