Most of us never think about our four year away self.
We mostly think about our today self.
And our today self is too busy to learn a new skill.
…Too tired to start a new book.
..Too lazy to build a new creation.
But, for those who find a way to get their today self to start the process of learning that new skill, reading that new book, and building that new creation… get to eventually step into a version of themself who makes them look back at older versions with a bit of cringe and embarrassment.
This is real.
And our future self is real.
And those who can learn to treat their future self like a real person are the ones who get to step into their more highly realized version(s).
Because busy, tired, and lazy soon enough lead to a regressed version of our future self. One who makes us envy where we once were. And the thought of our best days being behind us isn’t a motivating way to move forward at all…
P.s. Are you serious about realizing the potential of your future self? Both of my guides are on sale for a few more days. More here.