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What to do when you’re feeling lost:

  1. Acknowledge that this feeling means you’ve outgrown your old surroundings (physically, mentally, and/or spiritually).
  2. Become acquainted with your new surroundings by courageously stepping into the unknown (it’s the only way to make the unknown, known).
  3. Build connections with anyone and everyone you feel comfortable doing so by initiating conversations (not waiting for conversations to be initiated with you).
  4. Build skills that align with your aptitudes which other people might also find valuable.
  5. Work to make your new surroundings better than you found them. Be helpful. Be kind. Be generous. Be playful. Be loving. Be open-minded. Be inclusive. Be authentic.
  6. Keep exploring, getting lost, and returning to step 1.

P.s. In case you missed it, I shared the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week here.

Published inArchivesProblem SolvingThinking Clearly