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What Do You Think?

To be thoughtful, you have to give yourself space to think.

…And not just think your way through a hectic day.

I mean, space to actually think… space to let your mind filter and sift… space to let your subconscious mind chime in… space where you can finally stop the barrage of incoming stimuli and can take a look at what’s already within.

Without a space like this, it’s incredibly hard to be thoughtful… to think more than one step ahead… to zoom out from the microscope of the day and look at your life trajectories in a more strategic way… to process all of the bite sized information and form authentic opinions.

And to be thoughtful in a world filled with people who are “too busy” to think… or maybe “too busy” to figure out how to make space to think… or maybe too brainwashed or addicted to even recognize they don’t have time to genuinely think…

…Is precisely what I think, we need.

Published inArchivesThe Power Of ReflectionThinking Clearly