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What Are You REALLY After?

I’m on a mission to help busy people do inner work.

You know… the kind of work that most busy people skip and ignore because they prioritize outer work instead.

But, the reality is: outer work doesn’t lead to a more fulfilled life—inner work does.

Outer work might lead to money, power, fame… but, inner work is how the feelings we’re actually after are tapped into and cultivated.

Ask yourself: What feeling am I really after in wanting more money (as an example)?

…Is it security? Freedom? Recognition?

…And how can I nurture those feelings in life in spite of copious amounts of money?

There are a million different ways to answer this question and it’s not one I can answer for you. But, here are some thoughts to get you started:

  • You don’t need a million dollars to build more security in your life.
  • You might have more life freedom with a 50k per year job than a 200k per year job.
  • The need for recognition is created out of a lack of self-worth / self-love. No amount of external validation can match the fullness that comes from genuine internal validation.

Your turn…

P.s. Today I hosted a LIVE talk on Happiness and How It’s A Daily Choice with my friend Tyler Todt—it was one hour of pure gold. Tyler is the real deal and every moment of this chat was packed with insight. Enjoy.

Published inArchivesInner TravelTransforming Pain