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Using Reflection To Steer Your Ship

The interesting thing about writing every day is that it makes you more keenly aware of how interesting or mundane your day-to-day thinking is.

When I don’t have something immediately saved in my mind to write about, I’ll rotate my computer chair 90 degrees, kick up my feet onto the adjacent couch, peer out the large window my dog uses as a TV screen, and let my mind wander for ideas.

It’s in those moments that I’ll notice something unique that springs forward or, on the other end of the spectrum, a mundanity that’s lingered for longer than its anticipated stay.

And it’s in those moments that I try and either capture those unique moments so as to better understand them (so I can keep moving my life in the direction of those ideas) or adjust my life strategy so as to flush out those redundant, dull thoughts and pump in new, raw experiences for my mind to freshly chew on.

Without these moments of daily reflection, I can see how easy it would be for me to get lost in the daily hustle and bustle and not even realize how mundane/repetitive my daily experience might be. Leaving me so consumed with daily tasks that I have no time to steer my life’s ship.

…And I fear there’s quite a few people out there who are so zoomed in on their busyness that they’ve forgotten to check on the steering wheel of their ship. If that’s you, take this as your reminder to kick up your feet and stare out the window for a while… it’s more important than you might think.

Published inArchivesThe Power Of ReflectionThinking Clearly