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A Hard To Grasp Truth About Fitness

Equal actions often produce unequal results in different people.

Otherwise, everybody could copy precisely what their favorite fit person was doing and get precisely the same results.

As nice as that would be, it isn’t the reality.

Some people never lift a weight and appear fit. Others lift religiously and appear unfit.

While this is a hard truth to grasp, the secret to escaping this demoralizing thought process is actually quite easy: stop comparing yourself to others.

Because while equal actions may produce unequal results, positive actions always leads to positive results in the individual.

And so while your results may not look the same as the person whose lifestyle you’re copying, what also isn’t the same is the person you become after taking those positive actions.

No self-improvement effort is ever wasted. Not even the ones that fail miserably.

The biggest waste isn’t to have tried and failed—it’s to never have tried at all.

For what those initial efforts offer us is something that never trying never could: insight.

Remember this when others are:

  • Eating what you’re avoiding
  • Skipping workouts when you can’t
  • Drinking what you shouldn’t
  • Choosing lethargy when you couldn’t

What some people can do to stay fit isn’t what YOU might have to do to stay fit—keep taking positive actions anyway.

Published inArchivesHealth and FitnessLiving Well