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Category: Understanding Love

Less Frustrating

Other people are not here to:

  • Treat you perfectly
  • Rave about your work
  • Meet your expectations
  • Clean up after your messes
  • Agree with your every opinion
  • Conform to your belief systems
  • Celebrate your every step forward in life
  • Change their lives so you don’t have to change yours
  • Act in a way that aligns with your lifestyle and healing
  • Watch closely and respond immediately to your timeline affairs

Realize this and suddenly, life becomes a whole lot less frustrating.

P.s. I don’t have any Black Friday sales, but if you see any of these books on sale this weekend, I would definitely recommend getting them. And here’s my full library of quoted books :)

Energy Accounts

You don’t make your bank accounts easily accessible, do you?

Well, if it’s true that time > money… and how you manage your time is really how you’re choosing to manage your energy… why then would you make your energy easily accessible?

Your bank account would be empty if everybody had access to it… which might be why you feel drained all of the time…

If everybody has access to your “energy account,” it should come as no surprise that it’s frequently empty.

When you limit the accessibility, you increase the amount that’s available to those who do have access.

…Including, probably most notably, yourself.

P.s. I’m making an effort on LinkedIn again. Would love to connect with you :)

When Competition Ceases To Exist

The number of competitors you have in this world is directly tied to the depth of your self-love. The more you love yourself… the fewer competitors you have.

Why? Because the more you love yourself, the less you have to prove. Challenge is welcome. But, the egotistical need to place yourself above others, dissipates. You’re already whole. You’re already worthy. You’re already great. That’s what self-love proves.

See… the real challenge isn’t to increase the number of people you’ve beaten… it’s to increase the depth of your self-love until external competition ceases to exist.

P.s. I have a collection of 280+ quotes and resources on self-love. You can browse here.

Intrinsic Value

Don’t write to beat other writers. Write to give gifts to readers.

Don’t read to beat other readers. Read to receive gifts from writers.

Don’t create to beat other creators. Create to realize the gifts inside of you.

Don’t share to beat other share-ers. Share to help people on similar paths as you.

Extrinsic rewards have their place… but never lose sight of intrinsic value.

When we compete, we adopt a winner/loser mindset—and sometimes lose sight of the intrinsic beauty of the tasks we’re choosing to do in and of themselves.

When we contribute, we adopt an abundance/ win-win mindset—and get to experience the intrinsic beauty… not just in the tasks… but in the effect they have on the people who you’re no longer looking to as “losers”—but as community/ team players who are helping raise the tide… just like you.

P.s. I asked what the best feeling(s) in the world are. Here are the answers. I hope they bring perspective and joy to your day :)

Where People Are More Interesting

There isn’t any one place in the world where people’s inner worlds are disproportionately more deep and rich.

Depth and richness is everywhere.

This is true even for the people who you cross paths with in coffee lines, drug stores, and supermarkets.

You don’t have to travel to France, Greece, or Bali for more rich, deep connections.

You just have to be more curious and open to having deep, rich conversations.

P.s. I compiled a list of 101 Thoughtful and Provoking Questions to Ask To Get To Know Someone in case you’re interested.

Matt Who?

I don’t know who needs to hear this but, who you surround yourself with is NOT limited to real life.

Once I catch wind of somebody who is doing something I’d like to do, talking about something I’d like to know more about, or is just damn interesting…

I surround my mind with their mind in every way I can.

  • I read their books.
  • I follow their social accounts.
  • I listen to their podcasts/ videos.

My reality is: some of the most influential people in my life don’t even know I exist.

P.s. I’ll be hosting a LIVE chat on Twitter today (9/22) at 11am EST. The topic is embracing adversity. I’d love to have you join if you’re free/ interested.

Deeper Love Comes From Deeper Self-Love

If you want to improve the love you have with another…

Help the other improve the love they have with themself.

Let them have alone time, explore their interests, try new things, create and express freely, learn new skills, go on retreats, do poignant inner work…

You stopping them from doing such tasks is precisely what’s stopping them from being able to love you deeper.

Why? Because each of us can only ever love to the level of our own self-love.

A person’s inability to love another deeper has nothing to do with the other’s worthiness of receiving deeper love.

P.s. I asked “What are you avoiding?” Because it isn’t obvious to me what I might be avoiding. Worth thinking carefully about. Here are other people’s thoughts.