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Category: Understanding Love

Merged Paths

There are as many different paths in life as there are people—no two aligned in exactly the same way.

Which means it’s only a matter of time before the people here with us diverge from our path and head out onto their unique own—it’s the nature of life.

Until then, we should cherish the time we have together while our paths have merged and start preparing ourselves to smile with deep gratitude when it’s time for our paths to diverge (because of the cherished time we did have together)—no sense in arguing against nature.

Even soulmates will have to one day say, “goodbye.”

But for today, let’s make the time we do have together worth smiling deeply for.

P.s. I asked: Outside of sleep, eating well, exercise, reading, and writing—what’s ONE thing that helps you perform your best? I hope the answers help. :)

Real—Not Reel

Most people have ugly parts in their story.

Most people suppress those ugly parts and share beauty on reels instead.

The thing about beauty reels, however, is that they generally stop at the surface.

And what most people crave, now more than ever, is that which goes beyond the surface.

What most people yearn for is a closer look at what’s been suppressed… what’s behind the beauty… the very thing which you thought you had to hide…

What most people want to know more than anything else is that you, too, have ugly parts in your story… that they’re not alone… that you’re imperfect too…

They want to know what makes you REAL—not a reel.

P.s. I’m on a mission to help busy people do inner work—to help them live better lives. If these daily pieces have impacted you, you can support my ongoing work here. Thank you :) ☕️

Heading Into 2023 With Shields UP

Participating in this world without SHIELDS UP is risky business.

  • Misery is constantly looking for company
  • Haters are always looking for someone to hate
  • Energy vampires are never not hunting for energy to suck

…Not to mention all of the manipulative / narcissistic / weird types on the loose.

If you want to protect yourself, you need to engage in the world with SHIELDS UP.

You should consider: building better boundaries, raising your vibration, upgrading your self-image, avoiding certain types of people, criticism surgery, etc.

This way your energy, attention, and time are protected and saved for those who you most want to devote your life’s most precious resources to throughout each of your days.

Cheers to a great year ahead.

Dream People

Do our dream people find us… or do we find them?


I think the point is to be open to the infinite possibilities of the world and to constantly expose ourselves to others while simultaneously engaging with those who curiously cross our paths—both directly and subtly.

Waiting to be found isn’t a good strategy.

And neither is desperately searching.

Somewhere in the middle though? …I think is where the real magic of connection happens.

The Gift of Initiative

When you are feeling lonely, it’s important to remember that there are MANY people around you who feel exactly the same.

In fact, as ironic as it might sound in today’s hyperconnected world, it’s probably more often the case than not that the people around you are feeling lonely more than they’re not.

That in mind, do for others what you secretly crave is done for you:

  • Shoot that text
  • Make that call
  • Schedule that coffee

Think of what it might mean to you to get that invitation… and be the bearer of that gift to somebody else.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

10k Steps

How to get 10k steps per day:

  • Walk away from temptations
  • Walk away from toxic situations
  • Walk away from mindless media
  • Walk away from close-minded people
  • Walk away from work problems when home

P.s. Want to know what else people are doing to get 10k steps per day? Check these ideas out.

Maybe It’s Not You

Maybe it’s not:

  • Depression (non-clinical)
  • Self-induced anxiety
  • Poor self-control
  • Awful self-image
  • Laziness

Maybe you’re just hanging around the wrong people.