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Two Things That Make Tough Times Easier

Two things that make tough times easier are 1) connections and 2) tough spirit.

Some of the deepest and truest connections are formed during tough times. And it’s worth remembering that when people are going through tough times—while it may be tough to be there to support them because of not knowing what to say or awkwardness or free flowing emotions—that’s precisely when connections are most prone to deep bonding.

So, when someone is in need, even if they’re not an immediate friend or even are somebody who’s on the outer banks of your circle of connection—reach out in spite of the resistance you might feel. You just might end up being the synchronicity or guardian angel they’ve been hoping for.

…And from my experience—the more you’ve been a guardian angel for others, the more guardian angels you tend to have yourself.

And as far as tough spirits go… we build those by doing tough things. This means we know what it’s like be utterly exhausted and still push forward. We know what it’s like to be sick or in pain and still find a way. We know what it’s like to stare an obstacle in the face, feel the fear, and own the fear by doing the damn thing anyway.

Not in a dumb way, of course. But, in the smartest way(s) possible.

Published inArchivesMeaningful ConnectionUnderstanding Love