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Trying vs. Not Trying

Not trying may appear safe, but it’s actually quite risky.

Trying may appear risky, but it’s actually quite safe.

Appearances can be deceiving. And how your mind (ego) responds to what appears to be risky is… avoid at all costs.

The mind likes to preserve what’s here—what’s guaranteed. It likes to maintain its reputation, stray from embarrassment, and stick to what makes it (you) look good.

But, by not trying you:

  • Never learn
  • Become less competent
  • Miss moments of self-discovery
  • Close opportunistic/ serendipitous doors
  • Leave open-thought loops around “what if…” (regret)

See, it’s by trying that you get the opposite of all of the above mentioned things…

  • Insight
  • Competence
  • Self-Awareness
  • New opportunities / serendipity
  • Understanding of how things would’ve played out (no regret)

…An undoubtedly much safer means to living your best life.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Published inArchivesBeing Action OrientedLiving Well