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Category: The Nature Of Suffering

The Weight Of Heaviness

Heaviness doesn’t get lighter with time—it gets heavier.

You might try to trick your mind into ignoring, suppressing, or avoiding its heaviness—but that doesn’t change it’s weight. It only increases the time you’re holding it for.

Which, counterproductively, makes it heavier.

This all might sound relatively straightforward, but what about what weighs on your mind?

Hard conversations might be avoided, but they carry on within your mind—until they’re finally had.

Trauma might be suppressed, but only to the pit of your stomach—until it’s finally given the attention it needs.

You might cleverly distract your mind from facing your toughest problems, but as soon as you’re no longer distracted, there they are.

Want to lighten your load? Face the heaviness. Have the hard conversation. Confront the trauma. Face the tough problems.

It takes a lot of energy to carry around heavy shit.

But, when you face it, while it might be heavy upfront, you can finally free yourself from the increased heaviness that comes with time.

For good.