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Category: Creating Art

The Bridge Between Consumer and Creator

Moving from consumer to creator can be intimidating.

Consuming is risk-free, relaxed, and dopamine-releasing—but, unfulfilling.

Creating is risk-taking, nerve-wracking, and self-exposing—but, rewarding.

One intermediary step that helped me is curating.

Which, many people don’t realize, is a form of creation in its own right.

Taking the best of what you find and creating your own unique content playlist(s) is an art form—one that highlights unique taste.

The best part is this: by immersing yourself in what speaks to you and your unique tastes—you’ll start making connections with your unique life experiences and ideas… it’s inevitable because you’ll only ever be pulled to curate what resonates.

And oftentimes, the byproduct of good curation over enough time will be creation.

When It’s Time (To Ship)

I had the pleasure of hearing Aminatta Forna (7x Author) speak at Kleinhans Music Hall in Buffalo, NY on Thursday, October 14th, 2021.

One of my favorite questions from the night was: “How do you know when a piece is done?”

Her reply: “It’s never done. But, when you can’t stand looking at it anymore, then it’s time.”

Looking For Creative Inspiration?

Try adding the 3 “C’s” to your day:

  • Curate: To fill your mind up. Read books from brilliant minds. Listen to fascinating conversations. Explore the minds of others by asking deliberately deep and intriguing questions. Your mind will start thinking like the minds you most explore. If you want to start thinking big/ different—immerse yourself in the minds of those who already are.
  • Create: To empty your mind. Don’t just regurgitate the same information from those minds you curated ideas from. Add your own experiences, opinions, and insights. Remix anything and everything you come across and make it your own. And give yourself plenty of uninterrupted time to do it. Even if that means staring at a blank page for an hour.
  • Connect: To guide your process forward. We curate and create for ourselves—because it’s what keeps us calm, clear, and collected. But we don’t keep our created gifts to ourselves. We share them with others. Not everybody will like or appreciate our gifts and that’s okay. It isn’t meant for them. Give your gifts to the people they’re meant for. As you would a special gift during the holiday season. Special gifts aren’t meant for just anybody. Give them to the specific people they’re for.

You’ve Been Hacked

My friend’s Instagram got hacked.

She had 27k followers.

Then, get this, the hackers messaged her on WhatsApp asking for a ransom.

There are people out there who actually do this.

This is simply to say:

  • Protect your accounts
  • Never give out passwords
  • Choose extra security options

Pretend like all of your accounts just got hacked and you lost everything you’ve built.

You lost all of your connections and you had no way of communicating with anyone on social media.

If you really want to feel that reality, delete all social media apps on your phone for the next week.

See how it feels.

Then, imagine you finally got them back after a ton of back-and-forth and pain-in-the-butt customer service interactions.

What steps would you take to prevent that from ever happening again?

Do that now.

Feeling A Creativity Dip?

Get more bored.

I find that the more I force myself into boredom, the more creative I get.

Conversely, the more distracted and entertained I am, the less creative I get.

When do I get some of my best ideas? While I’m showering, driving, walking, napping, meditating, staring at a blank screen… it’s when my mind is bored and free to wander.

And it’s not even close...

When do I rarely ever get ideas? While I’m working, watching TV, playing a game, having gossip-y type conversation, or otherwise actively engaged in some thought-provoking tasks.

You might think you’re“not the creative type” or that you“lost” your creative touch.

I’m willing to bet you haven’t and that you are—we all have creative energy inside of us.

You’re just not allowing yourself to get bored long enough.

Share Your Art. Even When (Especially When) It’s Not Perfect

“My life has been my music, it’s always come first, but the music ain’t worth nothing if you can’t lay it on the public.”

Louis Armstrong, via MoveMe Quotes

Artists look at their paintings and think: Ugh, those strokes.

Writers read their paragraphs and think: Ugh, those words.

Actors watch their performances and think: Ugh, those scenes.

The people those gifts weren’t intended for think: Ugh, why this?

The people those gifts were intended for think: Wow, thank you for this.

The people who never receive your gifts think: …

Well… nothing at all—what they see instead is an unexpressed, mysterious, doubt-filled person.

And what a poor replacement for what could have been a gift to the world.

Share your art.

Not when you look at your art and think: Wow, that’s perfect.

But, when you look at your art and think: Ugh, it’s not perfect, but it’s damn good.

Because sharing your art is how you share your self.

And who you are is an imperfect, ever-changing, highly-emotional being—

—Who is putting a fragment of themself out into the world as a gift.

A gift that says I’m human—maybe you’re human, too, and we can connect over this fragment?

Not everyone will. But, the ones who do?

The ones who do will change your thought processes; your direction; your art; your life.

And maybe your gifts will do the same for them.