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To: You | From: Me

I look at each of these daily writing pieces as gifts.

And not only am I trying to improve the quality of these gifts each day, but I’m trying to get better at identifying who they’re for.

Because like gifts that you might buy during the Holiday season, you don’t just buy arbitrary gifts for random people—even if they’re high quality.

You buy specific gifts for specific people. It’s the specificity—the inside joke(s) they reference, the shared experiences you’ve had with the recipient, the common ground you and the receiver share—that makes them special.

Today, I revised my mission statement from: “Helping you confront life: for better mental health; for healing; for personal growth” to “Helping busy people do inner work: for better mental health; for healing; for personal growth.”

Why do I share this with you?

Because you, too, have gifts to share inside. Gifts that you might be trying to go viral sharing that you might be better off pointing to specific people. People who, rather than getting a generic, trendy, commonplace gift—might much prefer a thoughtful, deeply rooted, made-for-them type gift.

A gift that is reflective of your unique life experiences, feelings, and thoughts—that’s given specifically to those people who resonate with that type of message.

I’ve realized that it’s busy people I’m talking to when I write these. People who feel like they don’t have time for themselves. People who probably need inner work the most.

Who might your gifts be for?

P.s. I was interviewed in a LIVE space today focused on writing and how it can help you with your personal growth journey. There were tons of nuggets shared.

Published inArchivesHelping OthersTransforming Pain