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Category: Priorities

Early Rising

How important is it to wake up early in the morning?

…Not that important.

What time you wake up is arbitrary.

What matters is what you do during your waking hours and how you prioritize your time.

Some get to bed by 9pm—others can’t go to bed until 12am.

Expecting both to wake up at 5am is silly.

Some people work better and are more efficient at night. Others in the morning. And others still, midday.

What’s important isn’t a specific time (because a successful person said that’s what they do).

What’s important is self-awareness.

Wait… What?

Too busy for kindness?

Too rushed for manners?

Too inactive for exercise?

Too distracted for deep work?

Too preoccupied for listening?

Too stimulated for meditating?

Too overwhelmed for self-care?

Wait… what are our priorities again?

When “Regressing” Is Actually Improving

When exercising: dropping weight to improve form isn’t regressing.

When dieting: eating more calories to improve nutrition isn’t regressing.

When learning: slowing reading speed to improve comprehension isn’t regressing.

In a world that’s hyper focused on vanity metrics (e.g. 1RMs, calorie counting, reading x books / year)—doing something in the opposite direction might feel like backsliding.

When in reality, it’s being hyper focused on vanity metrics that’s causing us to backslide.

Don’t get it twisted.

Urgent Victims

There’s ALWAYS something that could be placed more urgently above the important tasks of the day.

Which means you could easily NEVER get to the important work.

In fact, this is precisely the case for far too many.

Don’t be a victim of urgent.

Simple (Powerful) Ideas

Some simple ideas:

  • Write in a journal each morning.
  • Take a 1-mile walk on your lunch breaks.
  • Read 20 pages from a book every night.

Simple ideas become complicated when we ceaselessly collect and pivot to other (simple) ideas.

What makes simple ideas powerful is our relentless commitment to them.

Even when other shiny, new ideas come into view.

Take a simple idea and take it *seriously.*

Wants And Shoulds

Sometimes you have to sacrifice doing what you want so you can do what you should.

Not making that sacrifice means prioritizing wants over shoulds.

If that’s you, don’t be surprised when the people who do make that sacrifice get ahead.

You can’t have it both ways.

Planting Dreams [Poem]

The day you plant the seed
Is not the day the seed grows

The month after you plant the seed
Is not the day the fruit shows

It isn't until many years later
That seed turns to tree
And tree bears its fruit

Which will never happen of course
If you fail to help that seed
Firmly take root

Water, soil, sun
Energy, attention, love
This is the way to fruition

Any attempt to manipulate
Nature's already perfect pace
Is to misunderstand the mission

Forcing fruit from seed
Removing essentials for growth
Is to put Mother herself, arrogantly underneath

Bring yourself down
To the level of your seeds
And commit to the process of helping them breathe

Otherwise why go through the trouble
Of rushing, yelling, planning
And doing the extreme

When all of that rash action
Forces holes into gravesites
Rather than the foundation of dreams.