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Category: Priorities

Less Time

The more tired you are…

The LOUDER the excuses get.

Prioritize rest.

Even if more rest means less time.

Because more rest also means less wasted time.

And time wasted is the ultimate loss.

The Busy Strategy

Be so busy showing gratitude, that you forget to complain.

Be so busy producing, that you forget to consume.

Be so busy growing, that you forget to compare.

Be so busy trying, that you forget to criticize.

Be so busy with love, that you forget to hate.

When you get yourself busy with the right things—the rest fades away.

No Weakness

We don’t succeed because we have no weaknesses.

We succeed because we fully utilize our few strengths.

Trying to eliminate all weakness is a waste of time when you could be using all of that time to massively improve upon your strengths.

Ugh vs. Ahh

There’s plenty to complain about.

There’s also plenty to *not* complain about.

Which list is bigger?

…Whichever list we make bigger.

What Are You Measuring?

  • Inches?
  • Pounds?
  • Followers?

Have you ever considered measuring things like:

  • Connection?
  • Presence?
  • Laughter?

Because here’s the reality: what you measure is what’ll get your focus.

And what gets your focus gets your time, energy, and attention.

…In other words: your life.

So, the more focused you are on measuring any one particular thing, the more of your life that one particular thing will consume.

And if that’s true then I’m sure you can already see where I’m going with this.

Measure your life in how you would most love to live it—and let your time, energy, and attention flow into those things as much as you can afford.

Because a life measured in measuring tapes, scales, and social media clicks certainly isn’t equal to a life measured in deep connections, belly laughs, and moments of presence.

The Expert Line-Cutter

The Urgent is an expert line-cutter.

Each day, as The Important graciously lines itself up to be prioritized, The Urgent cuts right in front and boots it to the back of the line.

It does this over and over again, day-in and day-out.

Don’t allow this type of behavior in your house.

For what you have to realize about The Important is that it’s patient—it thinks there will always be time. It assumes that if The Urgent needs to go through all of that trouble to plot, plan, fuss, and meander its way to the front of the line, it might as well get the priority.

But, the reality is, there won’t always be time. And The Urgent will always think it’s more important than The Important. That’s its nature.

As the authority of your life, it’s your responsibility to recognize this and put clear boundaries up around prioritization.

Sometimes an urgent cut in line may be justified. But, there should rarely ever be a day when you don’t—in some way, shape, or form—work on what’s important.

Cap Your News

We could easily consume news from the second we wake up until the second we go to bed and STILL not be completely filled in.

What’s worse is that most of that info we consume will be outdated by the very next day.

That’s why I consume less than 10 minutes of news per day and focus the rest of my time on building/ bettering myself and the world around me.

If you don’t put a cap on your news, the influx of information will slowly drown out every precious minute of your day it can.

Give your minutes space to breathe. Air them out from the influx. Put up some damns and focus more of your time on doing work that’s important to you.

Heck—create your own damn news.