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Category: Priorities

Mental Matters

You know what a great formula is for peace of mind?

…Minding your own business.

And I mean this with all due respect.

Mind your own mental matters until you’re in a solid position where you can start aiding in the mental matters of others, too.

But aiding in the mental matters of others before you have your own mental matters in order… is a little disordered—wouldn’t you say?

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

The A/B Game

There’s a game I play in martial arts classes called the A/B Game.

It’s simple.

When I say “A,” students fire off a given technique as fast as they can.

When I say “B,” they stay frozen.

My goal is to mess them up by getting them to fire off the technique on “B.”

Their goal is to have such great focus that they don’t even so much as flinch on “B.”

In the early stages of the game, getting flinchers is relatively easy—some because they’re just unfocused; some because they’re too focused on being fast; and some because they need to mess up before they actually understand the game.

As the game progresses, there’s usually a handful who are hard to mess up—so, I’ll pull out one of my tricks from my bag.

Right before I call “A” or “B,” I’ll nonchalantly say… “Okay, now I want you to beat the person next to you. Don’t let them beat you…okay? Ready…”

And then quickly yell “B!” …And get a huge chunk of students to flinch. It works almost every time.


Because instead of focusing on themselves, I got them to focus on the others. Instead of focusing on doing their best, they were distracted on being THE best and lost connection with their focused mind.

See… When we focus on beating everybody else; on racing the person next to us; on trying to be the best—we lose sight of the most important thing… focus on ourself.

P.s. I also published 46 Impactful Bruce Lee Quotes from Striking Thoughts today.

Dollars vs Energy

Isn’t it funny how keenly aware we are of dollars…

But, are somewhat daft when it comes to energy…

Like, “No, I do not want to round up my purchase today for charity, thank you.”

But, “Yes, I agree to this commitment that I absolutely don’t want to do that also takes away hours of precious time from my top priorities.”

Maybe if we started treating energy like dollars… we wouldn’t be so damn tired all of the time.

Less Wobbly

In a world that’s ever changing, perfect life balance isn’t possible.

So, don’t beat yourself up when your priorities feel lopsided.

They always will.

Rather, accept it as your ongoing reality and keep using signals of imbalance merely to adjust.

What starts out as massive shifts in weight that take large spans of time to make will eventually iterate into micro adjustments that happen in quicker and quicker snaps of time.

The goal shouldn’t be perfect; the goal should be less wobbly.

P.s. I also published: 19 Quotes from Narrow Road To The Interior on Solitude, Travel, and Poetry today.

The Anti-To-Do List

Rather than thinking about what you can ADD to your to-do list…

Think about what you can SUBTRACT.

The reality is… we do WAY too much stupid stuff every day.

And by eliminating more of the stupid stuff… VOILA—you’ll have more time for the not-stupid stuff.

Which is ultimately what we’re really after when we make to-do lists isn’t it?

Subtract Your Way To Success

In a world that’s constantly trying to get you to do addition:

  • More money
  • More followers
  • More tasks

Commit to doing more subtraction instead:

  • Less materialism
  • Less vanity
  • Less busywork

Addition, now more than ever, is the modern day toxin—and subtraction is the antidote.

Your Job Description:

It is not your job to:

  • Fix other people
  • Do somebody else’s work
  • Solve other people’s problems
  • Carry other people’s burdens
  • Be accessible to others 24/7

Your job is to do you and handle yours

So that you can do some of the above things with pleasure—not resentment.