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Category: Thinking Clearly

Hiding Places vs. Finding Places

Netflix, Playstation, Night Clubs = Hiding Places

Journals, Retreats, Deep Conversations = Finding Places

If you really want to find yourself, stop spending all of your time in hiding places.

When Things Go Bad

I don’t know who needs to hear this but, this is one of the most powerful questions I’ve ever come across:

What good can come from this?

There’s always something.

Long-Term Trust > Short-Term Money

Long term trust is exponentially better than short term money.

Because when I trust you, I tell other people about you.

And when I don’t, I also tell other people about you.

What gets said in each conversation has the potential to either exponentially help or hinder your growth in whatever business you’re involved in.

Am I going to refer 10 friends to you or tell my 10 friends never to cross paths with you?

Because whatever I tell them is probably what they’re going to tell their 10 friends, too.

Rather than forcing a sale, always say what you would do if you were them.

And be damn honest about.

When you treat others the way you want to be treated; you’ll always get paid in full.


Less stuff; more space.

Less clutter; more clarity.

Less noise; more harmony.

Any decision I’ve made with minimalism in mind has almost always been good one.

Keep This At The Top Of Your Priority List

You know what one of your top priorities should be?

Figuring out what your top priorities are.

Imagine if you spent your money without any notion of what needed to be budgeted for bills.

Maybe you even remember living like this at one point in your life.

…Probably not for long though.

Because what usually ends up happening is you spend more than you should’ve and then are left short when it comes time to pay bills.

And not because you didn’t have enough money, but because you didn’t properly prioritize your money.

This is how it works for spending time, too.

Spend/budget time on your top priorities first and then spend what remains how you’d like.

The other way around almost always ends with regret.

P.s. 23 Greg McKeown Quotes from Essentialism and How To Live Better Via Less

Do Not Touch

From where do you allocate extra time when you get really busy?


  • Family time?
  • Reading time?
  • Sleep time?


  • TV time?
  • Video game time?
  • Social media time?

Here’s the thing: Certain priorities should never be touched.

If they are, you’re too busy.

Or, hate to break it to you, they aren’t (really) a priority.


Don’t Sleep On This One

Underrated productivity hack: move slower.

When you move slower your mental and physical state calms.

When you’re calm your mind thinks more clearly.

When you think more clearly you get more done.