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Category: Defining Success

How To Have More Lucky Days

Step 1: Stop wishing for more lucky days.

Sure, you might get lucky and stumble upon some treasure whilst going about your everyday business. We all get lucky sometimes

A $5 bill on the ground here. A scratch-off win there. But, “sometimes” isn’t a good model for growth. And luck isn’t a good strategy for success — at least not the arbitrary kind of luck that’s brought about by chance rather than one’s actions.

And besides, do you really want to attribute your success to luck? C’mon.

Step 2: Define what being “lucky” means to you.

Money? Fame? Luxury? Is that really it? Or is there more to it than that?

A good question to spend some time on is, what would you like to do if money were no object? As in, how would you really like to spend your time? Because here’s the thing, I don’t think a problem-free life on the beach is what we’re really after.

Focus on feelings over possessions.

Step 3: Make your own damn luck.

  • If I can figure out this algorithm, I’ll get lucky and appear on everybody’s searches. Versus, if I can figure out what lights up my soul, I’ll get lucky and find ways to do work that I truly enjoy.
  • If I can do what’s trendy before everybody else, I’ll get lucky and go viral! Versus, if I can do what’s authentic to me — what nobody else can uniquely do — I can get lucky and fulfill my purpose.
  • If I would just get picked, they would all see how lucky they are! Versus, if I just picked myself, I would be the luckiest person every time.