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The Stay Dry Mentality

Last night it was pouring.

Buckets of water falling from the sky mixed with trash can toppling winds.

It would’ve been so easy for me to excuse myself from taking my dog on her daily walk.

But, we went anyway.

And I decided to completely surrender to the weather.

I didn’t try to dodge raindrops. I didn’t try to fight the wind. I didn’t try to jump the puddles.

I let myself feel it all.

I let myself feel the foundation of life as it washed across my face… the puddles we once knew so intimately as kids as they swallowed my shoes… the unrelenting, unforgiving power of nature’s wind as it thrashed me in every which direction like a rag doll being guided by a two year old.

At some point along our way in life and for some reason, we adopt a stay-dry mentality… of avoiding contact with the rain at all costs and shielding ourselves from the very nature from which we were born. And I think it affects us.

Not only from a visceral standpoint… but from a metaphorical one as well.

Published inArchivesExperiential LivingLiving Well