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The Space Between A Line And 66 Hours

Seth Godin pointed out that even the longest biography is only 66 hours on audio… which means the author has to leave out almost everything.

What’s more, is that when it comes time for people to reflect on you and your life, they will likely summarize who you were and what you stood for in a line or two.

That’s right… decades and decades of life… in a mere line of words.

…Nobody is reading a 66 hour biography at a remembrance of your life.

This space, between a line and 66 hours of audio, is the space you have to fill with legacy.

Those who plug their ears and “la-la-la” this thought are usually the ones who end up with regrets and a “mismatched” legacy.

Those who do the hard work of picking out their “line or two” now and use it as a guidepost for the rest of their life… are usually the ones who live lives that stand out—the kind that are deliberate, aligned, and inspiring.

Ask yourself: What do you hope people would say about you? What do you hope they would write? What do you want to be remembered for in one breath of words?

Now is the time to figure it out—while you’re alive and still have a say. Pick your legacy, embody it, and let your actions paint the picture of your legacy that’ll inspire thousands of words to follow. Live your masterpiece life.

P.s. Want to read more on legacy? Read my personal collection of 100+ quotes and resources on legacy here.

Published inArchivesDeathTransforming Pain