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The Make-It Or Break-It Point For Goal Achievement

Most people plan their goals with their best self in mind—the self that is well rested, in a good state, on-time, and excited.

This is a mistake.

Goals should be planned with our worst self in mind—the self that is tired, in a bad state of mind, late, and unmotivated.

Because it is in these moments—when we are feeling our worst—that we decide the fate of our goals.

If this “worst self” version catches you off guard, and you weren’t prepared for life’s curveballs—failure is almost inevitable.

Because if there are no other guarantees in life, I know this one to be true for sure: life will never unfold perfectly. There will be curveballs galore, obstacles like mad, and times when—for no apparent reason—you’re just not feeling like doing what you know you need to do.

Be ready for those days.

Have backup plans, a flexible mindset, and reliable systems in place.

But, above all, make sure you are doing what you are doing for the right reasons—strong, intrinsically motivated, deeply felt reasons.

Because the stronger the why—the easier it will be for you to continue forward despite the frustrations that are thrown your way. And the weaker the why—the harder it will be.

Don’t fool yourself—frustrations will be thrown at you.

The only question is… will you be ready?

Inspired by Jessica via Twitter. Thank you.

Published inArchivesBeing DisciplinedLiving Well