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The Friends Who Just Don’t Know It Yet

“…So, I’m trying to learn how to do this traditional Lebanese dance. It’s called Dabke.”

She said as she started stomping, shuffle stepping, and pistol squatting all while trying to get me to join in. I told her I attended a Lebanese wedding before and had heard of it, but didn’t know how to actually do it.

…This didn’t phase her.

She kept bouncing, twisting, grabbing my hand, and egging me on as though we had known each other forever. When in reality, this was the first time I was ever meeting this person.

…The best part? This was all going down in the middle of a regional martial arts tournament.

We never figured it out, but from that Dabke moment on, whenever we crossed paths at other tournaments or events, we’d pick right back up where we left off as friends that had seemingly known each other for years (until we actually did).

And that ability, to be friends with people before they even know it, is one of the most impressive things I had ever come to learn from her.

This person was Master Elizabeth Lindsey.

And this past weekend, she got into a devastating motorcycle accident. One that has her in the ICU, in an induced coma, with a long and uncertain road to recovery. In the blink of an eye, her entire life was turned upside down.

And as you continue to blink your eyes today I want you to remember: be grateful for every moment—because each is an unfathomable gift.

And if you have a second (and the means), please consider donating to her GoFundMe.

Published inArchivesMeaningful ConnectionUnderstanding Love