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The Checklist That Makes Me Feel Like I *Actually* Visited A Place

Below is my highly refined checklist of what makes me feel like I actually visited a place when I travel to visit a place. Because as some of you may relate, there have been plenty of times when I visited a place, did some things, left, and felt like I didn’t really visit the place at all. The list below is my unique concoction of things that act as an antidote to that feeling.

In no particular order:

  • One local bookstore
  • One quaint coffee shop
  • One offbeat nature path
  • One unique-to-the-area attraction
  • One conversation with a stranger
  • One conversation with a local friend (if applicable)

…How about you? What makes you feel like you’ve actually visited a place when you visit a place? I’d love to hear in a reply.

P.s. This was my vacation reflection from Monday, April 24, 2023.

Published inArchivesMeaningful ConnectionUnderstanding Love