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The Analog Strategy

One of the downfalls of digital: it’s easy to hide and ignore…

Those habit tracker apps? Can easily get lost in the million other notifications coming at you from your phone.

And the same is true for whatever else you might be trying to productively get done via screen.

A physical calendar on your fridge that has BIG “X’s” on it for days you successfully completed your task?

…Is much harder to ignore, swipe-hide, or pretend not to see.

Digital is great. But, sometimes, analog is better. Worth considering.

P.s. Something like this. With big “X’s” on it for every day you complete the task. Placed strategically where the task is supposed to happen each day. For me? By my bed. So that every day I get out of bed before a certain time, I can “X” that puppy and get a streak going.

Published inArchivesBeing ProductiveThinking Clearly