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Thank You

Hi Matt,

I just wanted to write and thank you so much for all your work pulling all these quotes together. I am a fellow quote collector and have mountains of notebooks filled with them, with no sense of order at all. Your website is a treasure trove, and I really appreciate the labour of love it must have been (and still is).

Many Thanks,


Sent from my iPhone

The reason I wanted to share this email that I received this morning is two-fold:

1) It’s a beautiful example of expressed gratitude. Something I challenged the readers of this blog to integrate into their lives during the month of November. It’s pure, it’s short, there’s no ask or expected favors in return, and it was sent evidently on a whim—as is indicated by the “Sent from my iPhone” stamp which was included at the bottom of the email (which is why I included it above). If you haven’t started the challenge yet or are just hearing about this now, consider this your invitation. Because…

2) It’s a beautiful example of the rippling effect expressed gratitude can have. This email made my morning. It brought a big smile to my face, made me feel pride towards the work I’ve done building MoveMe Quotes, and inspired this very post that’s being sent out to hundreds of readers—something that never would’ve happened without the expressed part of the gratitude. And now, maybe some of you will go out on a whim and send an email / text / or note to someone you want to thank in your life.

I hope you will.

Published inArchivesLiving WellMaking A Difference