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Talking, Edited

Writers block is a real problem for many people. But, talkers block? It isn’t even a thing.

Well, what is writing but talking, edited?

If you try to turn your writing into something that sounds completely foreign to how you talk—of course it’s going to be a real problem.

You’re trying to write down words in a way you’d never usually use them.

Don’t do that.

Write how you talk.

Then, after you’ve said all that you can think to say—edit. Make it better. Cut out the fluff. Reorganize what you said for clarity. Give your trains of thought some tracks.

Authenticity is what makes great writing great—not fancy words and complex grammar application.

Commit to being more yourself in your writing and suddenly, writers block disappears.

Because what’s blocking you from writing isn’t the words you could say (I’m sure there’s plenty you could say about any given topic), it’s the pseudo-persona you’re trying to embody when it comes time to write.

Published inArchivesSelf-Limiting BeliefsThinking Clearly