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Taking Rebirths Seriously

I found myself doing a deathbed meditation today.

Imagining what my regrets would be if I knew my life was coming to an end tonight

And let me tell you… it brought up some pretty powerful visions and wishes.

I encourage you to spend some time doing the same. Take it seriously. See what comes up.

The upcoming new year is like a rebirth… as was the last new year… and the one before that.

Heck, each day is a rebirth or sorts, isn’t it?

Why spend time imagining something as morbid as laying on your deathbed for an extended period of time, you ask?

…Because the deeper you feel what it’s like to actually be on that deathbed, the more likely you’ll be to actually take these upcoming rebirths seriously.

P.s. Some fun updates on MoveMe Quotes as of today: (1) You can now click to get random quotes, picture quotes, and articles—perfect for spontaneous visits (in the header menu). (2) You can search within categories now (finally!)(e.g. Instead of searching “love quotes” and pulling up everything we’ve ever tagged with it, you can now search “love quotes” within the Picture Quotes category…!)(Can be found in the directory). (3) You can change the language of the entire website with a single click. Language options can be found in the header menu. Hope these updates help! Enjoy!

Published inArchivesDeathTransforming Pain