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Tag: Tips and Tricks

Who/What Are You *Really* Saying ‘No’ To?

Instead of saying “Yes” because you’re worried/ scared/ anxious about saying “No…”

Meditate for a brief moment on ALL of the other opportunities/people you’d be saying “No” to if you said “Yes…”

  • Saying “Yes” to another obligation = Saying “No” to every other task you could be engaging in during that time instead.
  • Saying “Yes” to that social outing you don’t want to go to = Saying “No” to all of the self-care activities you could be doing instead.
  • Saying “Yes” to more time at work = Saying “No” to more time with family, friends, your lover, or yourself.
  • And so on…

This was the advice I needed to hear that (finally) made saying “No” exponentially easier.

I hope it does the same for you.

P.s. Today, I also published Adam Sandler’s Speech from Hustle [2022] “Never Back Down”

What to do when you’re feeling lost:

  1. Acknowledge that this feeling means you’ve outgrown your old surroundings (physically, mentally, and/or spiritually).
  2. Become acquainted with your new surroundings by courageously stepping into the unknown (it’s the only way to make the unknown, known).
  3. Build connections with anyone and everyone you feel comfortable doing so by initiating conversations (not waiting for conversations to be initiated with you).
  4. Build skills that align with your aptitudes which other people might also find valuable.
  5. Work to make your new surroundings better than you found them. Be helpful. Be kind. Be generous. Be playful. Be loving. Be open-minded. Be inclusive. Be authentic.
  6. Keep exploring, getting lost, and returning to step 1.

P.s. In case you missed it, I shared the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week here.

The Solution Is Out There

That big, tough problem you’re facing in your life right now?

There’s an answer for that.

And if you’ve spent more than 5 hours thinking about it (and to no avail on a solution)…

Might I suggest reading cover to cover a highly rated book that was created specifically to solve the exact problem you’re facing…?

It’s definitely out there.

And it’ll likely take you less than 5 hours to read.

Character Confessions

A person’s highlight reel, them in a good mood, how they act on a date or in a business environment, etc. all give off superficial impressions.

Want to really get to know somebody?

Watch closely to how they:

  • Act when they’re angry
  • Handle genuine mistakes
  • Respond to losing an argument
  • Treat people less fortunate than them
  • Talk about people who aren’t there

These are the real confessions of their character.

The Catch-22 of Likability

The more time you spend thinking about how you can get other people to like you…

The less time you’ll be able to spend thinking about how you can become someone you like.

And here’s the catch-22.

The more time you spend becoming someone YOU like… the more likely other people will like you.

And the more time you spend trying to be someone who is liked… the less other people will end up liking you.

The Bridge Between Consumer and Creator

Moving from consumer to creator can be intimidating.

Consuming is risk-free, relaxed, and dopamine-releasing—but, unfulfilling.

Creating is risk-taking, nerve-wracking, and self-exposing—but, rewarding.

One intermediary step that helped me is curating.

Which, many people don’t realize, is a form of creation in its own right.

Taking the best of what you find and creating your own unique content playlist(s) is an art form—one that highlights unique taste.

The best part is this: by immersing yourself in what speaks to you and your unique tastes—you’ll start making connections with your unique life experiences and ideas… it’s inevitable because you’ll only ever be pulled to curate what resonates.

And oftentimes, the byproduct of good curation over enough time will be creation.

The Busy Strategy

Be so busy showing gratitude, that you forget to complain.

Be so busy producing, that you forget to consume.

Be so busy growing, that you forget to compare.

Be so busy trying, that you forget to criticize.

Be so busy with love, that you forget to hate.

When you get yourself busy with the right things—the rest fades away.