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Tag: Tips and Tricks


Less stuff; more space.

Less clutter; more clarity.

Less noise; more harmony.

Any decision I’ve made with minimalism in mind has almost always been good one.

Deplete Pain Of Its Power

All pain is real.

Because pain is subjective and is only really experienced by the experiencer.

This is why no one can or should tell you how to feel about your pain.

Only you can be the judge of that.

That said, the intensity of your pain is also only yours to manage.

So, here’s one handy trick that can help deplete pain of its power: stop trying to prove how badly you’ve been hurt.

You have nothing to prove.

And even your best attempts to prove your pain only end up intensifying it.

Better would be to treat pain like the signal it is and respond to that signal deliberately and with compassion.

Much better than catastrophizing it just so that people might believe you that it’s there.

Don’t Sleep On This One

Underrated productivity hack: move slower.

When you move slower your mental and physical state calms.

When you’re calm your mind thinks more clearly.

When you think more clearly you get more done.

How Are You Spending The Building Blocks Of Your Life?

Time, energy, attention—these are the fundamental building blocks of what a life is composed of.

With what you’ve been given, you can either choose to spend, save, or invest these blocks—just as it is with money.

When you spend time, energy, or attention—it’s gone. Like when you watch a show on TV. There’s no return of more time, energy, or attention—it’s just used.

When you save time, energy, or attention—you increase what little you had to a little more. Like when you hire a professional to do a professional service. The time it took you to get the money to pay the professional is far less than the time it would have taken you to do the job yourself—so you pay them. Resources saved.

When you invest time, energy, or attention—you stand to multiply what little you had into much more. Like when you learn new skills and/or gain new knowledge. Not only do you no longer need to hire someone for their skills or knowledge, but you no longer need to hire them for the rest of your life. The return is exponential.

A good exercise to spend some time on:

  • Write down each task of your day.
  • Label each task as being either a spending, saving, or investing of time/ energy/ attention.
  • Think about how you might save and add more investments to your day.

Like You Mean It

Back up. Chin up. Eyes straight ahead.

When you speak? Speak loud and clear.

Presentation is important. Delivery is important.

When you do these things, the exact same words said in the exact same context hit completely differently.

And your words, the ones you so carefully chose, will stand to reach their full potential.

What a shame to see them end up otherwise.

Simplify Something (Anything)

Simplifying even just one thing can have a positive impact on everything else in your life.


Because finding ways to give yourself more time, energy, and space will directly impact your overall mental state.

And when you can improve your mental state by alleviating the pressures of time, saving on the expense of energy, and opening up more space to think and be—of course everything else in your day will be positively impacted.

A great exercise: As you go about your day, ask yourself: How can I simplify this task?

And find ways that you can collect a few saved minutes here, save on some energy there, and accrue some extra space wherever possible.

What you might realize is that what you needed wasn’t more time, energy, and space after all.

What you actually needed was to just expend less.

Feeling A Creativity Dip?

Get more bored.

I find that the more I force myself into boredom, the more creative I get.

Conversely, the more distracted and entertained I am, the less creative I get.

When do I get some of my best ideas? While I’m showering, driving, walking, napping, meditating, staring at a blank screen… it’s when my mind is bored and free to wander.

And it’s not even close...

When do I rarely ever get ideas? While I’m working, watching TV, playing a game, having gossip-y type conversation, or otherwise actively engaged in some thought-provoking tasks.

You might think you’re“not the creative type” or that you“lost” your creative touch.

I’m willing to bet you haven’t and that you are—we all have creative energy inside of us.

You’re just not allowing yourself to get bored long enough.