Don’t say forever Like you know what that means You’ve been here but a blink And in but a fraction of that You promise the rest of time Like you know what that means. Here's what I think you mean: The size of my feelings Feels like the size of forever Squeezed into the size of this moment And it's bursting at its seams. If there's one thing I really want you to say —It's exactly what you mean. Because here's what I know: This smallest piece Of the greatest whole Becomes our greatest whole When it is no longer just a piece. The size of what we have right here —Is all we'll ever be able to truly give and receive. So, before you give away A bursting moment for an overused cliché Package the size of your feelings Within the size of this moment And give this one complete gift to me Where you're still able to feel and say —Exactly what you mean.
I help busy people do inner work.