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Head And Heart

Sometimes our head moves fast and our heart moves slow.

Sometimes our heart moves fast and our head moves slow.

In each case, we should facilitate a compromise and have them meet somewhere in the middle.

Because both the heart and the head should be honored for what they know.

P.s. Today, I hosted a LIVE space on writing and how it can help you live a better life. Here’s the replay. Conversation starts at around the 6 minute mark. Enjoy.

Building Dreams

The person who builds their dreams for 2 hours / day will realize that dream 6x faster than the person who builds for 20 minutes / day.

…And ∞ times faster than the person who builds for 0 minutes / day.

Saying this for me as much as anybody else.

What’s Missing?

Outside of material items, what are you missing from your life?

Take a minute to really think about it.

…What are you missing?

Now… are you missing it because others aren’t giving it to you or because you aren’t giving it to yourself?

In most cases, what we feel like we’re missing has nothing to do with other people.

P.s. In case you missed it, here’s the replay of the LIVE chat I hosted today on Twitter about Embracing Adversity. My co-host had an incredible story and there were a ton of gems shared. Start at the 5 minute mark.

State Matters

Exhausted is not the time for inner work.

Looking into your dark places when you’re mentally dark isn’t a bright idea.

Exhausted is the time for rest.

RESTED is the time for inner work.

Go into your dark places with your light shining bright.

Moving Towards Ideal

The following three questions have been guiding my life for the past several years:

1. What does my ideal day look like?

2. What does my current day look like?

3. What can I do today to get my current day closer to my ideal?

Would recommend.

Characteristics of Freedom

If you can’t:

  • Sit quietly
  • Sleep peacefully
  • Dance uncaringly
  • Love unconditionally
  • Create wholeheartedly

…You aren’t free.

No matter what your work title, bank account, or social media feed might otherwise suggest.

On Pie

The thing about overnight success, early virality, and winning lotteries…

Is that it gives you some pie…

But, no recipe.

The goal isn’t to just have pie…

The goal is to become a damn good chef.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.