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Tag: Micro

10k Steps

How to get 10k steps per day:

  • Walk away from temptations
  • Walk away from toxic situations
  • Walk away from mindless media
  • Walk away from close-minded people
  • Walk away from work problems when home

P.s. Want to know what else people are doing to get 10k steps per day? Check these ideas out.

Maybe It’s Not You

Maybe it’s not:

  • Depression (non-clinical)
  • Self-induced anxiety
  • Poor self-control
  • Awful self-image
  • Laziness

Maybe you’re just hanging around the wrong people.

Strategic Playfulness

Seriousness hardens; playfulness softens.

If you’re having a hard time opening your heart, your eyes, or your life—maybe it’s because they’ve each hardened from prolonged seriousness.

And maybe what’s needed is the opposite… some strategic playfulness.

P.s. I’ll be hosting a LIVE talk on going from Burnout to Balanced on Thursday 11/16 at 11am EST. I’d love to have you join if you’re free/ interested. Details here.

P.p.s. This post became the foundation of the afterword for: Letting Your Bow Relax—A Short Story About Not Being So Serious All Of The Time

Free Time

If the goal is more free time (freedom)…

Stop equating all of your free time to available time.

They are NOT the same thing.

Available time gets filled with tasks.

Free time gets filled with life.


“Slowly, but surely” is a wildly underrated strategy.

Did you read that third word? Like, really read it?


It’s the “surely” that makes this strategy a game-changer.

“Surely” is the kind of bet I like to make in my life.

To Heal

A gentle reminder: the goal isn’t “healed,” it’s “to heal.”

Meaning, healing is an ongoing process—it isn’t something we complete.

If we take a few moments each day to:

  • Feel
  • Write
  • Reflect

We’ll be well on our way.

It’s when we set out to heal all of it that we become crippled with overwhelm, self-doubt, and fear.

P.s. For more on this topic, you can read my 20+ other 1-minute entries on healing here.