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Tag: Micro

A Strategy For Tomorrow

Hoping things will be better in the future is a great way to keep getting the same kind of results in the future.

If you want a better future, a great strategy to try is something new, intentional, and deliberate *today.*

P.s. It’s world cancer day. Here’s a cancer story that had a powerful impact on me.

Expert Inner-Workers

Normalize people working with expert inner-workers (therapists) so that they can better understand the inner-workings that drive literally 100% of their experience of life.

Placing (and accepting) a stigma on this is to rob people of a chance to live their most fulfilled life.

Avoiding Triggers

There’s a difference between avoiding your triggers and AVOIDING your triggers.

When you consciously avoid people who spew toxicity, for example, that’s strategy.

When you AVOID the feelings that arise when you’re triggered and suppress/ numb/ hide—that’s not strategy—that’s a slow tragedy.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

The Actual Goal

What I’m ACTUALLY trying to get people to realize when I teach/ train/ coach:

The reward of doing 1 hour of hard work >>>>> 1000 moments of media-based dopamine hits.


Sometimes I set such a high bar for myself that I can’t even see the damn thing when I look up towards the sky.

At the same time… I like the idea of building my way up from the grips of the earth towards a bar that dances with the clouds.

The Best Comfort

Remember this about comfort:

It’s a lot more enjoyable when it’s closely preceded by discomfort.

E.g. Think about the couch after hard exercise or bed after the demanding day.

Comfort minus discomfort leads to a sort of long-term discomfort that’s far more brutal than anything we push ourselves through in the short-term.

Self-Imposed Freedom

I don’t care what anybody says…

  • Forcing myself to write daily
  • Trapping myself in the gym regularly
  • Locking myself into a monotonous routine
  • Restricting myself to a tight eating window
  • Limiting my access to certain people/ media

…is the ultimate expression of freedom.