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I Believe In You

“I believe in you.” Is the water to the planted seed.

Disbelief, in all its forms, is the desert heat that stunts the seed’s growth.

People tend to perform in proportion to how much (or how little) people believe in them.

Their seeds are there, maybe all they need is some watering—from you.

We Fear What We Don’t Understand

My dog will BARK and YELL and RAGE and fearlessly advance towards even the most vicious looking dogs.

But, pops, cracks, and whizzes from the fridge?

Terrified. Whimpers. Needs to be held.

These noises, of course, don’t scare us because we understand them.

But, failure, aloneness, suffering?

Leaves most of us terrified, whimpering, and feeling like we need to be held.

Maybe it’s the case that these things aren’t inherently scary, but we’re just scared of them because we don’t fully understand them.

Maybe if we spent more time learning how to fail forward, enjoy aloneness, and channel our suffering—we wouldn’t be so scared?

Things become less scary once we understand them.

This post became the introduction for: 13 Rousing Delia Owens Quotes from Where The Crawdads Sing on Abandonment, Love, and Self-Reliance

Knowing It All Is Bad For Connection

Not having it all figured out is an excellent place to come from when connecting with people.

Because here’s the thing: neither does anybody else.

Too many people forget this.

Figuring things out together is a magnet for connection.

It allows for reciprocity. It allows for synergy and exchange. It allows for healing and growth.

And, what’s more, is that it will help you figure things out faster than trying (waiting) alone ever will.

Holding On Vs Letting Go

The more you try to control something, the more it controls you.

The more you try to control someone, the more they control you.

The more you try to control in life, the more it all will control you.

The road to freedom has less to do with control and more to do with letting go.

If you want more freedom, rather than holding tightly to more, unclasp your grip and think about how you can hold on to less.

Moving Forward In Darkness And In Light

Observing—even learning from—other people’s mistakes can illuminate a path forward for you.

But, having your path illuminated is much different than trudging through the darkness yourself.

Use both to keep moving forward, but don’t expect one to act as a substitute for the other.

Some lessons can only be learned in the dark. And some roads are too hazardous to travel without light.

Don’t Offend The Universe

It took us 13.8 billion years to get to today.

And you’re gonna waste it on…?

Complaining? Overthinking? Hating?

The universe is offended.

Let’s use this small slice of eternity in the most grateful, thoughtful, loving way(s) we can.

No waste.

When Arguments Are Needed

With vulnerability and authenticity, arguments aren’t needed—genuine connection happens seamlessly.

When walls are built around emotions and facades cover feelings, arguments act as the storms that tear down those “fronts” to finally expose what’s fortified underneath:

Vulnerability and authenticity.