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Tag: Micro

Nuggets Everywhere

Things I heard others say while on vacation that bear repeating:

“Living in paradise is no paradise if you don’t have the ones you love to share it with.”

“When I’m browsing books, I open to a random page, read that page, and if it makes me want to read the next page, I buy the book.”

“Everything will be okay in the end. And if it isn’t okay… it isn’t the end.

P.s. This was my vacation reflection from Sunday, April 23, 2023.

Don’t Force The Pen

Oftentimes, my best writing comes from situations when I’m not thinking about writing (or what to write) at all.

I just open myself up to new experiences, new people, new perspectives, etc… and let curiosity guide the pen across my mind.

Inner work prompt: How long have you been following the same general routine? When was the last time you were uncharacteristically spontaneous? Can you do or plan something now?


When you’re out to eat at a Mexican restaurant and the casual dinner vibe unexpectedly transitions into an upbeat dancing vibe—fully equipped with a live DJ and Salsa dance instructor—you squeeze the juice out of that moment and get up and take the Salsa dancing class.

P.s. And if you can’t get yourself to dance… reflecting on why is a great inner work prompt.

Towards Unawkward

Being able to sit in silence with another person—unawkwardly—is an excellent sign of a strong relationship.

Same for being able to sit unawkwardly with yourself.

Inner work prompt: who can you spend an hour (or several) in silence with—unawkwardly? How did you get to that place? How might you get to that place inside yourself?


My best piece of advice for anyone living “all-in” in the digital world is to take frequent, deliberate, non-negotiable breaks away from all things digital.

P.s. Tweet this.

Custom Fit

No such thing as a problem-free life.

Only a life with problems that we enjoy solving more than others.

Those who understand this stop trying to curate a utopian lifestyle and start doing the important work of exchanging/ upgrading problems for a custom-fit lifestyle instead.

P.s. This was inspired by a Mark Manson quote you’ll find on this list.