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The Magic Of Perspective

Yesterday, my hometown got 18 inches of snow.

All at once.

And when I looked out the window—all I saw was work.

But, when I looked out the window later that day, I saw a boy across the street jumping and playing in it.

And I didn’t see work anymore.

I saw magic.

What Now?

Always have something planned that you can look forward to.

It’ll act as a magnet that will pull you excitedly forward through your days.

Without it, the days will feel like all push.

Nothing Is Unending

This includes your greatest joys (embrace them).

And your greatest pains (keep attending to them).

Remember this as you gracefully move forward throughout your day and into your new year.

Traveling Light Into 2022

Everything you’re carrying… you’ve picked up.

Maybe put some of that down before the New Year, eh?

Achieving goals—moving forward—becomes a heck of a lot easier when you’re traveling light.

When It’s Hard Is When It Matters

Mad respect to the woman I saw out running today…

  • in 40° F temperature
  • while it’s poring rain
  • on Christmas morning

…I have a solid feeling she’s gonna crush her goals in 2022.

What are you willing to do to achieve your goals in ’22?