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Tag: Micro

Why So Serious?

I like nonfiction.

I like self-improvement podcasts.

Heck, I like all things personal growth related.

But, sometimes…

I like blasting good music, thumb drumming, air guitaring, and forgetting about all of that.

It’s called balance.

Urgent Victims

There’s ALWAYS something that could be placed more urgently above the important tasks of the day.

Which means you could easily NEVER get to the important work.

In fact, this is precisely the case for far too many.

Don’t be a victim of urgent.

When More Self-Care Is Needed

Today marked one of the first times I can recall…

Where I felt irritable and anxious…

And told myself…

I’m going to need to double my meditation time today.

This, I’d say, is an excellent marker of progress for my own mental health awareness.

Wants And Shoulds

Sometimes you have to sacrifice doing what you want so you can do what you should.

Not making that sacrifice means prioritizing wants over shoulds.

If that’s you, don’t be surprised when the people who do make that sacrifice get ahead.

You can’t have it both ways.

Big Battles

Fight the big battles on the inside
And the big battles on the outside
Suddenly won’t feel so big anymore

Every Choice Counts

Every interaction is an opportunity:

  • To choose kindness > cruelty
  • To choose connection > division
  • To choose grace > haste

I hope you’ll fully capitalize on the bountiful opportunities of your day.