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Understanding Envy To Understand Yourself

Want to get to know yourself?

Pay attention to what you envy.

And once you start to understand what that is…

Understand that it probably isn’t that.

What you’re probably after are the feelings that having that thing evokes.

And once you understand that…

You can begin the real inner work of evoking those feelings without needing the thing(s) at all.

Unearth All That You Can

Resist the temptation to believe you’ll be around for a while.

For buried beneath that idea are the invaluable treasures of your life that you’ll always have thought you’d have more time to excavate.

…You’ll never have enough time to excavate them all. Better not waste any time and unearth all that you can.

…While you’re still here and know that you still can.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

What You See Is What You Look For

Walking into Target today, I had a thought that I’d try to commit as many random acts of kindness as I could.

…Boy did that change the shopping experience from what it could’ve been/usually is.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

A 10 Second Reminder

You woke up.

You’re breathing.

You’re connected to the world’s brain.

You’re coherent and comprehending what you’re reading.

And you have the ability to act.

…Don’t look at this as anything less than an absolute miracle.

Do something today that makes you proud.

P.s. January 17th was Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day… I hope this wasn’t you, but if it was… I published a new article designed to be your New Year Resolution First Aid Kit. Read it and get back on track STAT.

Out Of Infinity

There are, quite literally, an infinite number of decisions you could have made in this moment… and yet, you made this one.

One out of infinity.

Overwhelming when you try and visualize the scale.

Freeing when you realize you might not be as stuck as you’ve made yourself out to be.

Inner Work Prompt: We do what we do because of everything we’ve done. And most of what we’ve done has been because of our environments, upbringings, and various conditioning. Imagine, however, that in this next moment you got amnesia and forget everything you’ve ever learned and come to know… Which path might this “reborn” you pick (out of infinity)?

Practicing Frustration

This morning I caught myself practicing frustration.

I was literally envisioning my enraged facial expressions, body language, and word choice if the shirts I ordered came in late, didn’t fit, or were poorly made…

…What a waste of time.


We hunt so we can eat.

And while eating is the goal, it isn’t the eating that makes us better hunters…

It’s the starving that does.

P.s. Like short bits like this? You’ll probably like my Twitter account.

P.p.s. Grateful for the starving days. I’ve become a much better hunter as a result.