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Tag: Analogies

Energy Accounts

You don’t make your bank accounts easily accessible, do you?

Well, if it’s true that time > money… and how you manage your time is really how you’re choosing to manage your energy… why then would you make your energy easily accessible?

Your bank account would be empty if everybody had access to it… which might be why you feel drained all of the time…

If everybody has access to your “energy account,” it should come as no surprise that it’s frequently empty.

When you limit the accessibility, you increase the amount that’s available to those who do have access.

…Including, probably most notably, yourself.

P.s. I’m making an effort on LinkedIn again. Would love to connect with you :)

Information Swimming

Information is an ocean—and most of us are drowning.

Those who get ahead, are the ones who learn to swim.

They take the ocean seriously and never mindlessly wander into its depths.

They learn how to float; how to tread; how to stroke; how to dive; how to navigate.

Similarly, proficient swimmers in today’s information-based world learn how to:

  • Focus. So they don’t recklessly flap, twist, turn, and click with every distraction (i.e. Turning on an ad-blocker or putting notifications on silent).
  • Refine. So that each stroke/ click gets them better at future swimming (clicking)—not worse (i.e. Utilizing the Unfollow/ Mute/ Block buttons and more mindfully choosing who to follow and where to click).
  • Reflect. Because sometimes the ocean gets the best of even great swimmers. And maybe they take in a bunch of salt water through the nose or get caught under a big crashing wave (sucked into a YouTube rabbit hole). It’s in those moments that you have to figure out how you might handle the same situation from repeating in the future. Those who don’t reflect—don’t improve.

Being in an ocean when you don’t know how to swim is terrifying because the water is in control (and can lead to drowning).

Being in an ocean when you do know how to swim is incredibly refreshing and rewarding—because you are in control (and you get to swim in the ocean).

…And what a beautiful opportunity it truly is to swim confidently in the ocean.

P.s. Here’s an article I wrote on better managing your information diet: How to Upgrade the Quality of Your Life in 1 Hour.

Re-Racking Emotional Weight

The weight from our past can be cripplingly heavy.

What we must remember, however, is that just as we can set down the heavy weight we pick up at the gym… so, too, can we set down the emotional weight we pick up throughout life.

We simply need to give ourselves the means (writing, talking, meditating), space, and permission to do so.

Imagine having to carry weight from the gym with you for an entire day—and not getting to put it down once. This is what your mind is experiencing except on a week/ month/ year/ decade level!

Sit; settle; relax; release; unload; unpack; talk; tremble; cry; confront; let go; let it flow.

…It’s time to re-rack some of that emotional weight you’ve been carrying for too long.

P.s. I’ll be hosting a LIVE chat Thursday (10/26) at 1:30pm EST on The Art of Mastering Your Mind to Scale In Business. I’d love to have you join if you’re free/interested.

Everything Is Fine

My car was recently up for inspection.

It drove fine. Oil and fluids were good. No suspicious noises or lights. It wasn’t pulling in any direction…

Taking it in felt like a waste of time.

But, when I did, lo’ and behold… my brakes were shot.

They needed to be replaced immediately.

This is why we do maintenance checks EVEN WHEN everything feels fine.

Because we might catch and address things before they’re definitely not fine.

And in case you didn’t catch it… this post has nothing to do with cars.

P.s. I’m on a mission to help busy people do inner work—so that they can live better lives. If these daily pieces have impacted you, you can support my ongoing work here. ☕️

The Key To A New Reality

The key that unlocks a more beautiful outer reality is cut within… Never without.

You can keep trying to jab the current key (that is your perception) into reality and try to force it to turn—but, I’m afraid it’ll be about as useful as shoving your car key into your house’s front door lock.

The only key that’ll open the front door to your house is the key that was specifically cut to open it.

And until you get a new key cut, one that can open a different door to a different house (reality), it’s the only reality you can count on seeing.

How do you cut a new key, you ask?

Well, by doing inner work, of course.

The kind of work that cuts through the noise, distractions, and busywork—and with a fine blade of attention, challenges the rigidity of our current conditioning, beliefs, and thought patterns against those of others (found in books/ podcasts/ videos)… until a new edge on the key is created.

…And a new key is formed.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Content Fridge

Every time you click your mouse, you fill your content fridge.

If you click the clickbait, don’t be surprised when you open your content fridge and see junk.

That’d be the same as picking junk at the grocery store, and then getting home and being surprised when you open your shopping bags.

…Junk?! How did this happen?! That grocery store sucks.

No. It’s not the grocery store’s fault—it’s what you picked.

It’s the same for what you see on media as it is for what you see in your shopping bags.

Just as you resist junk food while food shopping, resist clickbait when clicking.

For what you pick will only continue to show up in your life (and will ultimately be what you consume) over and over and over again.

I sip on coffee while I write these. If you enjoy these posts, you can support my future work by supplying me with one of my next cups of joe here. ♥

Your Mind Is Infected

…All of our minds are.

With negativity, judgment, doubt, hate, jealousy…

It comes with the territory of being human—we’re emotional, comparative, imperfect creatures.

Knowing this—embodying this—we can begin our work of healing.

If you ignore this and pretend like your mind isn’t—you can’t.

Never assume your mind is immune to infectious beliefs.

Stand guard to the door of your mind and actively send soldiers of positivity, acceptance, belief, love, and compassion to confront the rebel infections trying to overtake your mind.

In other words: speak—both inwardly and outwardly—with the aim and intent of being cured as consistently and as often as possible.

And slowly, slowly… you shall be.

P.s. I’ll be hosting a LIVE chat on Twitter about the Ego and exploring if it’s our enemy or if it can be used to help us in life. Details here.