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Tag: Analogies

Nowhere In Particular

If this person/ place/ thing doesn’t serve your higher purpose why are you investing time/ energy/ effort into it/ them?

Built into this question is the assumption that you know what your higher purpose is.

If you don’t, all actions become arbitrary; all uses of time become fungible.

If you want to arrive at a certain type of destination, you need to point the GPS of your actions towards it.

And you need to know well enough not to get off every exit of the highway while you’re on your way.

Random wandering—random uses of time—can only get you, by definition, nowhere in particular.

Pull vs. Push

When you follow your curiosities, learning takes care of itself.

When you’re forced to be curious, learning needs to be taken care of.

When you believe strongly enough in a project or cause, working takes care of itself.

When you disbelieve in a project or cause, working needs to be taken care of.

When you give yourself a vision for the future, the days take care of themselves.

When you live without a vision for the future, the days need to be taken care of.

When you follow what naturally pulls you, you won’t have to push yourself all the damn time.

Regular Updates Required

When was the last time you gave your mindset a software update?

Like your smartphone, regular updates are essential for optimal functionality of your mind.

Many people, however, haven’t updated their mindset in years.

They’re using the latest model iPhone with 2008 software installed. It’s ridiculous.

So, before you go bastardizing your mind for driving you nuts—as extremely old software might—invest in its upgrade!

You can download mind updates via books, podcasts, seminars, conversations, classrooms, etc. And in most cases, you can do so for free.

Here’s the thing: your mindset isn’t bad, it’s not broken, it’s not wrong—it’s just, in many cases, outdated.

Thinking Better Thoughts Doesn’t Just Happen

Thoughts are as much outside of your control as they are inside of your control.

It works very much the same as breathing.

When you’re conscious of your mind or breath, you can actively control them.

But, when you’re no longer conscious of them, they carry on without you.

This is why you can’t just demand your mind to start producing better thoughts.

That would be like demanding your lungs to start delivering oxygen better.

You have to improve the thought-producing machine as you would the oxygen-delivering machine(s).

Which doesn’t happen after one exercise session (for either).

It happens after many.

Pace Your Brain

Most people never talk about pace when it comes to learning.

Most of what I hear is about consuming as much as possible in the shortest amount of time possible (e.g. 2x speed while watching YouTube videos or listening to podcasts).

Pace matters just as much in learning as it does in running a marathon.

Move too quickly through the information and you’ll burnout and resent the process.

Move too slowly and you’ll bore yourself to death (and resent the process).

Find your sweet spot and you’ll become a learner for life.

Keep This At The Top Of Your Priority List

You know what one of your top priorities should be?

Figuring out what your top priorities are.

Imagine if you spent your money without any notion of what needed to be budgeted for bills.

Maybe you even remember living like this at one point in your life.

…Probably not for long though.

Because what usually ends up happening is you spend more than you should’ve and then are left short when it comes time to pay bills.

And not because you didn’t have enough money, but because you didn’t properly prioritize your money.

This is how it works for spending time, too.

Spend/budget time on your top priorities first and then spend what remains how you’d like.

The other way around almost always ends with regret.

P.s. 23 Greg McKeown Quotes from Essentialism and How To Live Better Via Less

Love Renewed

You can’t just give love once and expect it to last.

…Or twice, or three times, or ten.

Love needs to be regularly renewed.

…Twice, three times, ten times per day!

…Or week or whatever works for you and yours.

But it will only last so long as it is renewed.

As soon as you stop renewing your love, like Netflix, it’ll only be a matter of time before it expires.